1. Tabs
    • Help - If you are seeing this text, the Help tab is currently selected.
    • Tree - This tab displays a graphical view of the family tree for the person of interest. It does not show everyone in the database, but it shows the blood relatives. The descendants are drawn to the right and the ancestors to the left. Spouses are who are not related by blood are not draw among the descendants.
      • In this view, the person of interest is outlined with a rectangular box.
      • Clicking on another name will re-load the page for the new person of interest and draw their tree.
    • Family - This tab shows the person of interest in a table with parents to the right and children to the left. If any biographical details are available, they are shown below the table. If the person has multiple marriages, or children from different partners, additional tables will be drawn for each. Pictures if any will be shown on the right side of the biography section below the table.
      • In this view, you can see the direct relationships for the person of interest.
      • You can see their spouse if any, parents, and children. If birth dates are available for the children, that is also shown.
      • Biographical information relative to the family is presented inside the center column of the table.
      • If family pictures are attached, they will be shown in the upper right corner of the family biographical information.
      • If non-picture files are attached, they will be listed at the end of the family biographical information for download.
      • If there is a spouse or more, they are listed along with a wedding date if available.
      • If you have permission to add or edit this person's data, you should see hyperlinks to do so from this view. There are specific links to add parents, children, unions. When using these links, some of the fields in the form will be pre-populated.
    • [Person name] - Clicking on this tab will show the details for the selected person.
      • If you have permission to edit the details for this person, there should be two buttons just under the navigation bar.
        • A yellow colored button to edit the person's record.
        • A green colored button to add or edit attached files including pictures.
      • If any pictures are attached for this perseon, they will be displayed as a slide show in the right half of the space available. Clicking on any picture will show it larger, and clicking anywhere will hide the large picture.
      • Next if known will be the parents. The reason parents are listed but not children is because a person's record points to their parents if known but not their children.
      • Birth date if known.
      • Death date if known.
      • If present, the freeform biographical field will follow.
      • lastly, if there are any attached files that are not pictures, they will be presented in a bullet list with hyperlinks for downloading them.
    • Admin - This tab is only available if you are logged in with an account that has administration priviledges. From this page, you can create or edit accounts with lower access level to your own.
  2. Adding or editing records
    • All fields are optional, but if nothing is entered, the record will be meaningless.
    • It is acceptable to enter partial dates. For eaxmple, year only, or year/month.
    • There are three basic forms available to add or edit.
      • Person
        • Last name - The last name is the name a person will be alphabetized by. A person who has changed their name should list their current last name. A separate field exists for a maiden name.
        • First name - The person's official first name. If a person has a nickname or a more common (non-official) name it can be included in parentheses.
        • Middle name - leave black if no middle name is known. Don't put nicknames here. If there is more than one middle name, include them all here separated by spaces.
        • Maiden name - this field is for a person's (typically a woman) original last name if they took their spouse's last name.
        • Father/Mother - this field can be selected from the dropdown list if the father is already in the database. If the father is known, but not entered yet, you cannot specify the father at this point.
          • You can come back and edit this person's record to point to the father once he is added.
          • After this person has been added, you can click the "add father" button in the family view. Once the new father is added, the persons record will automatically be updated to point to the new father.
        • Birth/Death date, location - supply any information that is known. You can supply a year and leave the month and day field empty or zero. You can supply a month/day and leave the year blank or zero if not known. A day without month of year would be pretty meaningless. Supply any part of the location if known.
        • Gender - is not required but comes in handy sometimes.
        • Birth order - is useful for ordering children from oldest to youngest if you know the order they were born but not their dates.
        • Religious affiliation - optional plain text field
        • Email - is not displayed and currently is only used to notify or update a person if changes are made to their record.
      • Union - is used primarily for specifying a wedding date and for attaching files and pictures for the couple or family. Two people can appear as a couple if they share children. If two people are living together without children and wish to be shown as a couple, they should add a union record. The union record consists of:
        • Husband/wife - will point to two people already in the database. If one is not in the database yet, leave this form and add the person then come back specify the two individuals in the union. Add the missing spouse by adding them as the mother of a common child, the child of her parents, or simply as a new person.
        • Union date, location - will typically refer to the wedding date and location. The same comments made for a person's birth/death date/location apply here as well.
        • Story - is a free form text field to write whatever you want about the wedding, couple or family. It is not just for the wedding and can cover the entire history of the family.
      • Files (pictures) - is primarily used for pictures, but can also be used to attach any files or documents.
        • Files can be associated in two ways.
          • A person - pictures/files will only be shown when looking at the person's personal information page.
          • A union or family - pictures or files will be shown on the family page when either the husband or wife is selected as the person of interest.
        • Attached files are added for a person or union by clicking on the green button to add/edit attached files... From that form, click the "Browse" button to select a file from your computer, then click the "Upload file" button to push the file up to the website. If you do not upload the file, it will not show up on the website. Once uploaded, it will show in the list of files currently attached. Next, select the file in that list and a preview of it should show up to the right of the list. Type a caption in the 'Caption:' field and click "Submit caption change." You can edit the caption as many times as you wish. If you wish to delete the picture, click the "Delete file" button.
    • The person's biography or a couple's story is free form text. Leave blank lines between paragraphs. If you include text that begins with 'http://...' it will be converted to a hyperlink when displayed.
Changes Date/Time Author
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Holy Spirit
  • Gender: M
2024-03-23 14:44:22 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Jesus's father from: to: Holy Spirit

2024-03-23 14:44:22 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Rahab
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: Rahab was the prostitute from Jericho that was saved because she helped the Israelite spies.
    Matthew 1:5
2024-03-23 14:43:27 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Boaz's mother from: to: Rahab

2024-03-23 14:43:27 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Judas
  • Father: Joseph
  • Mother: Mary
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Mathew 13:55
2024-02-05 15:31:05 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Simon
  • Father: Joseph
  • Mother: Mary
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Mathew 13:55
2024-02-05 15:30:44 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Joses (Joseph)
  • Father: Joseph
  • Mother: Mary
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Matthew 13:55
2024-02-05 15:30:12 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • Last name: James
  • Father: Joseph
  • Mother: Mary
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Matthew 13:55
2024-02-05 15:26:45 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 2 Chronicles 7:26
    2 Chronicles 7:27

2022-10-15 07:45:29 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Joshua
  • Father: Nun
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 7:27 Joshua son of Nun
    Joshua was the successor of Moses who lead the Israelites over the Jordan River and into the land of Canaan.
2022-10-15 07:45:18 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Nun
  • Father: Elishama
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 7:26
2022-10-15 07:43:14 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Elishama
  • Father: Amihud
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 7:26
2022-10-15 07:42:50 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Amihud
  • Father: Laadan
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 7:26
2022-10-15 07:42:07 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Laadan
  • Father: Tahan
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 7:26
2022-10-15 07:41:34 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Tahan
  • Father: Telah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 7:25
2022-10-15 07:40:57 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Telah
  • Father: Resheph
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 7:25
2022-10-15 07:40:29 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Resheph
  • Father: Ephraim
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 7:25
2022-10-15 07:39:57 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Last name from: Rephah to:
  • First name from: to: Rephah

2022-10-15 07:39:00 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • Last name: Rephah
  • Father: Ephraim
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 7:25
2022-10-15 07:37:53 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Ephraim to: Shuthelah

2022-10-14 12:00:51 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Ephraim to: Bered

2022-10-14 11:59:55 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Ephraim to: Tahath

2022-10-14 11:59:03 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Bered to: Eladah

2022-10-14 11:56:14 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Ephraim to: Bered

2022-10-14 11:52:48 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Ephraim to: Tahath

2022-10-14 11:52:01 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Zabad to: Zabad

2022-10-14 11:50:32 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Ephraim to: Zabad

2022-10-14 11:49:22 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Absalom to:
  • Biography from:
  • 2 Chronicles 13:2
    2 Chronicles 11:20-21 says Rehoboam took Maachah granddaughter of Absalom, who I'm assuming Absalom son of David.
    1 Kings 15:2 says that Maacah is the granddaughter of Abishalom who I am also assuming is Absalom the son of David.

    Interestingly, Absalom's mother was named Maacah, daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur [2 Samuel 3:3]

    2 Samuel 14:26 also gives an interesting tidbit, that Absalom had three sons who were unnamed, but a beautiful daughter that he named Tamar, no doubt after his sister.

    I suspect that this Maachah who was said to be the favorite wife [2 Chronicles 11:21] of Rehoboam may well have been the daughter of Tamar, the beautiful daughter of Absalom.

    I think the fact that a person, Maachah, is named as the granddaughter of someone means that the grandparent is someone of significance, in this case the already known son of king David.

    2 Chronicles 13:2
    2 Chronicles 11:20-21 says Rehoboam took Maachah granddaughter of Absalom, who I'm assuming is Absalom son of David.
    1 Kings 15:2 says that Maacah is the granddaughter of Abishalom who I am also assuming is Absalom the son of David.

    Interestingly, Absalom's mother was named Maacah, daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur [2 Samuel 3:3]

    2 Samuel 14:26 also gives an interesting tidbit, that Absalom had three sons who were unnamed, but a beautiful daughter that he named Tamar, no doubt after his sister.

    I suspect that this Maachah who was said to be the favorite wife [2 Chronicles 11:21] of Rehoboam may well have been the daughter of Tamar, the beautiful daughter of Absalom.

    I think the fact that a person, Maachah, is named as the granddaughter of someone means that the grandparent is someone of significance, in this case the already known son of king David.

    In any case, this Uriel from Gibeah [2 Chronicles 13:2] married one of Absalom's daughters, maybe Tamar, and bore Maachah, granddaughter of Absalom.

2022-02-16 09:32:20 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jerimoth
  • Father: David (King)
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 11:18
2022-02-16 09:11:12 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Mahalath's father from: to: Jerimoth

2022-02-16 09:11:12 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Mahalath
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 11:18
2022-02-16 09:10:30 Webmaster[1]
A union record has been created with the following fields:
  • Husband: Rehoboam (King)
  • Wife: Mahalath
2022-02-16 09:10:30 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Huram
  • Father: Bela
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 8:5
2022-02-11 09:39:42 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shephuphan
  • Father: Bela
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 8:5
2022-02-11 09:39:05 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ahoah
  • Father: Bela
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 8:4
2022-02-11 09:37:45 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Abishua
  • Father: Bela
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 8:4
2022-02-11 09:37:07 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Abihud
  • Father: Bela
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 8:3
2022-02-11 09:36:31 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 46:21 I believe son means son or grandson
    Numbers 26:30 names Ahiram third although it is listing major family groups, so Ahiram may not have been an immediate son
    1 Chronicles 7:6 names Jediael as the third son of Benjamin
    1 Chronicles 8:1 names Aharah the third son of Benjamin

    Genesis 46:21 I believe son means son or grandson
    Numbers 26:38 names Ahiram third although it is listing major family groups, so Ahiram may not have been an immediate son
    1 Chronicles 7:6 names Jediael as the third son of Benjamin
    1 Chronicles 8:1 names Aharah the third son of Benjamin

2022-02-11 09:11:38 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Jeiel to: Gibeon/Jeiel
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 9:35-36
    1 Chronicles 8:29 Gibeon
    1 Chronicles 9:35-36 Jeiel

2022-02-10 09:50:27 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Beera
  • Father: Zophah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:37
2022-02-10 09:40:39 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jithran
  • Father: Zophah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:37
2022-02-10 09:40:13 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shilshah
  • Father: Zophah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:37
2022-02-10 09:39:52 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shamma
  • Father: Zophah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:37
2022-02-10 09:39:14 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Hod
  • Father: Zophah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:37
2022-02-10 09:38:48 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Bezer
  • Father: Zophah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:37
2022-02-10 09:38:28 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Imrah
  • Father: Zophah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:36
2022-02-10 09:38:07 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Beri
  • Father: Zophah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:36
2022-02-10 09:37:34 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shual
  • Father: Zophah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:36
2022-02-10 09:37:05 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Harnepher
  • Father: Zophah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:36
2022-02-10 09:36:44 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Suah
  • Father: Zophah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:36
2022-02-10 09:36:16 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Amal
  • Father: Helem
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:35
2022-02-10 09:35:47 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shelesh
  • Father: Helem
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:35
2022-02-10 09:35:31 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Imna
  • Father: Helem
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:35
2022-02-10 09:35:06 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zophah
  • Father: Helem
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:35
2022-02-10 09:34:43 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Helem
  • Father: Heber
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:35 Helem is not listed as a son of Heber but he is called the brother of Shemer, who I thought was the same as Heber's son Shomer. Perhaps not but for sure they are descendants of Asher.
2022-02-10 09:34:03 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Aram
  • Father: Shomer/Shemer
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:34
2022-02-10 09:25:45 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jehubbah
  • Father: Shomer/Shemer
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:34
2022-02-10 09:23:18 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Rohgah
  • Father: Shomer/Shemer
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:34
2022-02-10 09:22:45 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Shomer to: Shomer/Shemer
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 7:32
    1 Chronicles 7:32 Shomer
    1 Chronicles 7:34 Shemer

2022-02-10 09:20:48 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ahi
  • Father: Shomer
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:34
2022-02-10 09:19:21 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ashvath
  • Father: Japhlet
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:33
2022-02-10 09:16:26 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Bimhal
  • Father: Japhlet
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:33
2022-02-10 09:13:34 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Pasach
  • Father: Japhlet
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:33
2022-02-10 09:13:06 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shua
  • Father: Heber
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:32
2022-02-10 09:12:17 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Hotham
  • Father: Heber
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:32
2022-02-10 09:11:56 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shomer
  • Father: Heber
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:32
2022-02-10 09:11:26 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Japhlet
  • Father: Heber
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:32
2022-02-10 09:11:06 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Birzaith
  • Father: Malchiel
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:31
2022-02-10 09:10:19 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Sheerah
  • Father: Ephraim
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:24
2022-02-10 09:08:19 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Beriah
  • Father: Ephraim
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:23 the name means tragedy
2022-02-10 09:05:26 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Elead
  • Father: Ephraim
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:21
2022-02-09 10:30:38 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ezer
  • Father: Ephraim
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:21
2022-02-09 10:30:16 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Zabad to: Ephraim

2022-02-09 10:29:30 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Tahath to: Ephraim

2022-02-09 10:29:12 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Eladah to: Ephraim

2022-02-09 10:28:56 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Tahath to: Ephraim

2022-02-09 10:28:41 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Bered to: Ephraim

2022-02-09 10:28:17 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Shuthelah to: Ephraim

2022-02-09 10:27:57 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Merib-Baal or Mephib to: Merib-Baal/Mephibosheth

2022-02-09 10:21:43 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Jarah or Jehoaddah to: Jarah/Jehoaddah

2022-02-09 10:21:13 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Esh-Baal or Ishboshe to: Esh-Baal/Ishbosheth

2022-02-09 10:19:58 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Banjamin to: Benjamin

2022-02-09 10:18:31 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shuthelah
  • Father: Zabad
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:21
2022-02-09 10:15:09 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zabad
  • Father: Tahath
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:21
2022-02-09 10:14:34 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Tahath
  • Father: Eladah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:20
2022-02-09 10:14:11 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Eladah
  • Father: Tahath
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:20
2022-02-09 10:13:45 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Tahath
  • Father: Bered
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:20
2022-02-09 10:13:15 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Bered
  • Father: Shuthelah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:20
2022-02-09 10:12:48 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Bedan
  • Father: Ulam
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:17
2022-02-09 10:07:28 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Rakem
  • Father: Peresh
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:16
2022-02-09 10:06:36 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ulam
  • Father: Peresh
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:16
2022-02-09 10:06:14 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Sheresh
  • Father: Machir
  • Mother: Maachah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:16
2022-02-09 10:05:39 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Peresh
  • Father: Maachah
  • Mother: Machir
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:16
2022-02-09 10:04:11 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Maachah
  • Father: Iri/Ir
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:15 lists her as the sister of Huppim and Shuppim (whom I assume to be from the tribe of Benjamin) and the wife of Machir
2022-02-09 10:03:11 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Jediael/Aharah/Ahira to: Jediael/Aharah/Ahiram
  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 46:21 I believe son means son or grandson
    1 Chronicles 7:6 names Jediael as the third son of Benjamin
    1 Chronicles 8:1 names Aharah the third son of Benjamin

    Genesis 46:21 I believe son means son or grandson
    Numbers 26:30 names Ahiram third although it is listing major family groups, so Ahiram may not have been an immediate son
    1 Chronicles 7:6 names Jediael as the third son of Benjamin
    1 Chronicles 8:1 names Aharah the third son of Benjamin

2022-02-09 09:38:58 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Jediael/Aharah to: Jediael/Aharah/Ahiram

2022-02-08 10:21:14 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Ard to: Ard/Addar
  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 46:21 I believe son means son or grandson
    Numbers 26:40
    Genesis 46:21 I believe son means son or grandson
    Numbers 26:40
    1 Chronicles 8:3 footnotes links the name Addar and Ard

2022-02-08 10:16:04 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Benjamin to: Bela
  • Birth order from: 4 to: 7

  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 46:21 probably a son or grandson
    Genesis 46:21 probably a son or grandson
    1 Chronicles 8:5 lists a Gera as Bela's son

2022-02-08 10:13:34 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Birth order from: 2 to: 4

  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 46:21
    Genesis 46:21 probably a son or grandson

2022-02-08 10:06:54 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Birth order from: 2 to: 4

  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 46:21
    Genesis 46:21 probably a son or grandson

2022-02-08 10:06:33 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 46:21
    Genesis 46:21 probably a son or grandson

2022-02-08 10:06:10 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Birth order from: 2 to: 4

2022-02-08 10:05:34 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Jediael to: Jediael/Aharah
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 7:6
    Genesis 46:21 I believe son means son or grandson
    1 Chronicles 7:6 names Jediael as the third son of Benjamin
    1 Chronicles 8:1 names Aharah the third son of Benjamin

2022-02-08 10:05:05 Webmaster[1]
Person [366] "Ashbel" is being deleted
  • First: Ashbel
  • Gender: M
  • Father: 109
  • BirthOrder: 2
  • Biography: Genesis 46:21
2022-02-08 10:01:53 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Becher to: Becher/Ashbel
  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 46:21
    Genesis 46:21 I believe son means son or grandson
    1 Chronicles 8:1 names Ashbel as the second son of Benjamin

2022-02-08 10:01:26 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Birth order from: 0 to: 3

2022-02-08 09:56:37 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Birth order from: 2 to: 1

2022-02-08 09:54:11 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Numbers 26:40
    Genesis 46:21 I believe son means son or grandson
    Numbers 26:40

2022-02-08 09:50:35 Webmaster[1]
Person [373] "Ard" is being deleted
  • First: Ard
  • Gender: M
  • Father: 109
  • BirthOrder: 2
  • Biography: Genesis 46:21
2022-02-08 09:49:42 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Numbers 26:40
    Genesis 46:21 I believe son means son or grandson
    Numbers 26:40

2022-02-08 09:48:23 Webmaster[1]
Person [368] "Naaman" is being deleted
  • First: Naaman
  • Gender: M
  • Father: 109
  • BirthOrder: 2
  • Biography: Genesis 46:21
2022-02-08 09:46:25 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Iri or Ir to: Iri/Ir

2022-02-08 09:44:57 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Muppim to: Muppim/Shuppim
  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 46:21
    1 Chronicles 7:12
    Genesis 46:21
    1 Chronicles 7:12 NKJV footnotes link these two names

2022-02-08 09:44:31 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Benjamin to: Iri or Ir
  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 46:21
    Genesis 46:21
    1 Chronicles 7:12

2022-02-08 09:43:09 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Benjamin to: Iri or Ir
  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 46:21
    Genesis 46:21
    1 Chronicles 7:12

2022-02-08 09:42:36 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Iri to: Iri or Ir
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 7:7
    1 Chronicles 7:7
    1 Chronicles 7:12 footnote links Ir and Iri from vs 7

2022-02-08 09:42:01 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ahishahar
  • Father: Bilhan
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:10
2022-02-07 10:43:58 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Tharshish
  • Father: Bilhan
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:10
2022-02-07 10:43:33 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zethan
  • Father: Bilhan
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:10
2022-02-07 10:43:14 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Chenaanah
  • Father: Bilhan
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:10
2022-02-07 10:42:53 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ehud
  • Father: Bilhan
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:10
2022-02-07 10:42:33 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Banjamin
  • Father: Bilhan
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:10
2022-02-07 10:42:15 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jeush
  • Father: Bilhan
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:10
2022-02-07 10:41:44 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Bilhan
  • Father: Jediael
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:10
2022-02-07 10:41:07 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Alameth
  • Father: Becher
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:8
2022-02-07 10:40:03 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Anathoth
  • Father: Becher
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:8
2022-02-07 10:39:41 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Abijah
  • Father: Becher
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:8
2022-02-07 10:39:14 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jerimoth
  • Father: Becher
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:8
2022-02-07 10:38:54 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Omri
  • Father: Becher
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:8
2022-02-07 10:38:35 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Elioenai
  • Father: Becher
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:8
2022-02-07 10:38:17 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Eliezer
  • Father: Becher
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:8
2022-02-07 10:37:49 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Joash
  • Father: Becher
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:8
2022-02-07 10:37:27 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zemirah
  • Father: Becher
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:8
2022-02-07 10:37:03 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Iri
  • Father: Bela
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:7
2022-02-07 10:36:25 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jerimoth
  • Father: Bela
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:7
2022-02-07 10:36:02 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Uzziel
  • Father: Bela
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:7
2022-02-07 10:35:45 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Uzzi
  • Father: Bela
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:7
2022-02-07 10:35:22 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ezbon
  • Father: Bela
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:7
2022-02-07 10:34:59 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jediael
  • Father: Benjamin
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:6
2022-02-07 10:33:44 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Aliases: Chelubai, Carmi
    Alias 1Chr 2:9; 1Chr 4:1. Gets Married to Ephrath in 1Ch 2:19, to Ephah in 1Chr 2:46, to Maachah in 1Chr 2:48

    I haven't been able to reconcile why Caleb is usually called the son of Jephunneh. I suspect that he is an descendant of Hezron, and the son of Jephunneh.
    Aliases: Chelubai, Carmi
    Alias 1Chr 2:9; 1Chr 4:1. Gets Married to Ephrath in 1Ch 2:19, to Ephah in 1Chr 2:46, to Maachah in 1Chr 2:48

    I haven't been able to reconcile why Caleb is usually called the son of Jephunneh. I suspect that he is an descendant of Hezron, and the son of Jephunneh and possibly even a descendant of (Caleb, Chelubai, Carmi)

2022-02-06 12:18:33 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Aliases: Chelubai, Carmi
    Alias 1Chr 2:9; 1Chr 4:1. Gets Married to Ephrath in 1Ch 2:19, to Ephah in 1Chr 2:46, to Maachah in 1Chr 2:48

    Aliases: Chelubai, Carmi
    Alias 1Chr 2:9; 1Chr 4:1. Gets Married to Ephrath in 1Ch 2:19, to Ephah in 1Chr 2:46, to Maachah in 1Chr 2:48

    I haven't been able to reconcile why Caleb is usually called the son of Jephunneh. I suspect that he is an descendant of Hezron, and the son of Jephunneh.

2022-02-06 12:01:18 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Joab
  • Father: Seraiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 4:14
2022-02-06 11:52:49 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ophrah
  • Father: Menothai
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 4:14
2022-02-06 11:51:38 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Menothai
  • Father: Othniel
  • Mother: Achsah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 4:14
2022-02-06 11:51:08 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Hathath
  • Father: Othniel
  • Mother: Achsah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 4:13
2022-02-06 11:50:36 Webmaster[1]
A union record has been created with the following fields:
  • Husband: Othniel
  • Wife: Achsah
2022-02-06 11:49:30 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Seraiah
  • Father: Kenaz
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 4:13
2022-02-06 11:48:53 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Othniel
  • Father: Kenaz
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Joshua 16:17
    Judges 1:13
    1 Chronicles 4:13
2022-02-06 11:48:14 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Kenaz
  • Father: Hezron
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Joshua 15:17 names Kenaz as the brother of Caleb
2022-02-06 11:45:18 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Lahad
  • Father: Jahath
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 4:2
2022-02-05 08:42:36 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ahumai
  • Father: Jahath
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 4:2
2022-02-05 08:42:05 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jahath
  • Father: Haroeh or Reaiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 4:2
2022-02-05 08:41:32 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Haroeh to: Haroeh or Reaiah
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 2:52
    1 Chronicles 2:52
    1 Chronicles 4:2

2022-02-05 08:40:52 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Last name from: to: of Sheshan
  • First name from: Sheshan's daught to: Daughter

2022-02-05 08:32:20 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Elishama
  • Father: Jekamiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 2:41
2022-02-05 08:30:32 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jekamiah
  • Father: Shallum
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 2:41
2022-02-05 08:30:08 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shallum
  • Father: Sismai
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 2:40
2022-02-05 08:29:27 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Sismai
  • Father: Eleasah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 2:40
2022-02-05 08:29:01 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Eleasah
  • Father: Helez
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 2:39
2022-02-05 08:28:30 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Helez
  • Father: Azariah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 2:39
2022-02-05 08:27:59 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Azariah
  • Father: Jehu
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 2:38
2022-02-05 08:26:50 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jehu
  • Father: Obed
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 2:38
2022-02-05 08:26:08 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Obed
  • Father: Ephlal
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 2:37
2022-02-05 08:25:34 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ephlal
  • Father: Zabad
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 2:37
2022-02-05 08:25:08 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zabad
  • Father: Nathan
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 2:36
2022-02-05 08:24:33 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Nathan
  • Father: Attai
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 2:36
2022-02-05 08:23:35 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jarha
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 2:34-35
2022-02-05 08:23:04 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Attai's father from: to: Jarha

2022-02-05 08:23:04 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Sheshan's daught to:
  • Mother from: to: Sheshan's daught

2022-02-05 08:22:30 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Attai
  • Father: Sheshan's daught
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 2:35
2022-02-05 08:21:22 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Sheshan's daughter
  • Father: Sheshan
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 2:34 Sheshan had no son's but gave one of his daughters to his Egyptian servant names Jarha
2022-02-05 08:20:09 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Basemath
  • Father: Solomon (King)
  • Mother: Naamah
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 1 kings 4:15
2022-01-29 10:02:51 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Taphath
  • Father: Solomon (King)
  • Mother: Naamah
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 1 kings 4:11
2022-01-29 10:01:34 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 2 Samuel 17:25 she was famous for her three warrior sons, Joab, Abishai, Asahel
    2 Chronicles 2:16 calls her and Abigail sisters of David, but I believe it to mean cousins
    2 Samuel 17:25 she was famous for her three warrior sons, Joab, Abishai, Asahel
    1 Chronicles 2:16 calls her and Abigail sisters of David, but I believe it to mean cousins

2022-01-28 09:45:08 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 2 Samuel 17:25 sister of Zeruiah, aunt to Joab, daughter of Nahash
    2 Chronicles 2:16 calls her and Zeruiah sisters of David, but I believe it to mean cousins
    2 Samuel 17:25 sister of Zeruiah, aunt to Joab, daughter of Nahash
    1 Chronicles 2:16 calls her and Zeruiah sisters of David, but I believe it to mean cousins

2022-01-28 09:44:40 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:

  • to:
    2 Samuel 17:25 sister of Zeruiah, aunt to Joab, daughter of Nahash
    2 Chronicles 2:16 calls her and Zeruiah sisters of David, but I believe it to mean cousins

2022-01-28 09:43:49 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Jesse to: Nahash
  • Biography from:
  • We don't know the birth order among her siblings but she was famous for her three warrior sons
    2 Samuel 17:25 she was famous for her three warrior sons, Joab, Abishai, Asahel
    2 Chronicles 2:16 calls her and Abigail sisters of David, but I believe it to mean cousins

2022-01-28 09:42:09 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Nahash
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Samuel 17:25
2022-01-28 09:38:04 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Abigail's father from: to: Nahash

2022-01-28 09:38:04 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jonadab
  • Father: Shimea
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Samuel 13:3 Jonadab's father is spelled differently, Shimeah with an 'h', but it calls him David's brother.
2022-01-28 09:30:20 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Judges 18:30 NLT
    Judges 18:30 KJV says Jonathan son of Gershom son of Mansseh
    NKV and Judges 18:30 NASB say the same as the KJV but Manasseh is footnoted indicating that some translations say Moses.
    Judges 18:30 NLT
    Judges 18:30 KJV says Jonathan son of Gershom son of Mansseh
    NKV and Judges 18:30 NASB say the same as the KJV but Manasseh is footnoted indicating that some translations say Moses.
    Lastly there is no son of Manasseh (Joseph's son) names Gershom, but there is a son of Moses named Gershom.

2022-01-22 11:12:43 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Judges 18:30 NLT
    Judges 18:30 NLT
    Judges 18:30 KJV says Jonathan son of Gershom son of Mansseh
    NKV and Judges 18:30 NASB say the same as the KJV but Manasseh is footnoted indicating that some translations say Moses.

2022-01-22 11:10:41 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:

  • to:
    Judges 18:30 NLT

2022-01-22 11:01:37 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jonathan
  • Father: Gershom or Gershon
  • Gender: M
2022-01-22 10:49:59 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zephaniah (prophet)
  • Father: Chushi
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Zephaniah 1:1
2021-12-20 10:41:35 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Chushi
  • Father: Gedaliah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Zephaniah 1:1
2021-12-20 10:41:02 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Gedaliah
  • Father: Amariah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Zephaniah 1:1
2021-12-20 10:40:25 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Manasseh (King) to: Hezekiah (King)
  • Mother from: Meshullemeth to:

2021-12-20 10:39:04 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • Last name: Amariah
  • Father: Manasseh (King)
  • Mother: Meshullemeth
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Zephaniah 1:1
2021-12-20 10:30:53 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Uzzi
  • Father: Bani
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Nehemiah 11:22
2021-11-05 09:59:57 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Bani
  • Father: Hashabiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Nehemiah 11:22
2021-11-05 09:59:37 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Hashabiah
  • Father: Mattaniah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Nehemiah 11:22
2021-11-05 09:59:12 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zechariah
  • Father: Jonathan
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Nehemiah 12:35
2021-11-05 09:52:39 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jonathan
  • Father: Shemaiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Nehemiah 12:35
2021-11-05 09:52:12 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shemaiah
  • Father: Mattaniah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Nehemiah 12:35
2021-11-05 09:51:46 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Mattaniah
  • Father: Michaiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Nehemiah 12:35
2021-11-05 09:51:13 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Michaiah
  • Father: Zaccur
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Nehemiah 12:35
2021-11-05 09:50:36 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Ezra, the presumed author of the book bearing his name is not really introduced until chapter 7. He was a Levitical priest and a skilled scribe in the Law of Moses. His leadership and organizational skills were instrumental in the construction of the second Temple.

    Ezra 7:1-5 provides a Levitical genealogy for Ezra which you can see that it goes all the way back to Aaron, but doesn't exactly match the genealogy given in 1 Chronicles 6:1-15 which is:

    Eleazar > Phinehas > Abishua > Bukki > Uzzi > Zerahiah > Meraioth > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Ahimaaz > Azariah > Johanan > Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Shallum > Hilkiah > Azariah > Seraiah > Jehozadak

    Here in Ezra 7:1-5:

    Aaron > Eleazar > Phinehas > Abishua > Bukki > Uzzi > Zerahiah > Meraioth > Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Shallum > Hilkiah > Azariah > Seraiah > Ezra

    Notice how 1-7 in the first and 2-8 in the second line up. Then 14-21 in the first and 9-16 in the second line up. Finally, notice the sequence Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub occurs twice in the first sequence and once in the second.

    Chronicles specifically calls out Jonathan, 13 in the first list, who is not in the second list, as the one who ministered in the Temple that Solomon built. I think the Ezra genealogy is too short for the number of years spanned, and although accurate, as a great grand son is a descendant (son) of a great grand father, conveniently leaves out names between the repeating sequence of three: Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub
    Ezra, the presumed author of the book bearing his name is not really introduced until chapter 7. He was a Levitical priest and a skilled scribe in the Law of Moses. His leadership and organizational skills were instrumental in the construction of the second Temple.

    Ezra 7:1-5 provides a Levitical genealogy for Ezra which you can see that it goes all the way back to Aaron, but doesn't exactly match the genealogy given in 1 Chronicles 6:1-15 which is:

    Eleazar > Phinehas > Abishua > Bukki > Uzzi > Zerahiah > Meraioth > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Ahimaaz > Azariah > Johanan > Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Shallum > Hilkiah > Azariah > Seraiah > Jehozadak

    Here in Ezra 7:1-5:

    Aaron > Eleazar > Phinehas > Abishua > Bukki > Uzzi > Zerahiah > Meraioth > Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Shallum > Hilkiah > Azariah > Seraiah > Ezra

    Notice how 1-7 in the first and 2-8 in the second line up. Then 14-21 in the first and 9-16 in the second line up. Finally, notice the sequence Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub occurs twice in the first sequence and once in the second.

    Chronicles specifically calls out Azariah son of Johanan, [1 Chronicles 6:10], as the one who ministered in the Temple that Solomon built. But an Azaraiah is in the second list but not Johanan. I think the Ezra genealogy is too short for the number of years spanned, and although accurate, as a great grand son is a descendant (son) of a great grand father, conveniently leaves out names between the repeating sequence of three: Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub

2021-11-03 09:02:45 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Ezra 7:1

    this is an interesting genealogy, because if you look at the tree, you can see that it goes all the way back to Aaron but doesn't exactly match the genealogy given in 1 Chronicles 6:1-15 which is:

    Eleazar > Phinehas > Abishua > Bukki > Uzzi > Zerahiah > Meraioth > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Ahimaaz > Azariah > Johanan > Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Shallum > Hilkiah > Azariah > Seraiah > Jehozadak

    Here in Ezra 7:1-5:

    Aaron > Eleazar > Phinehas > Abishua > Bukki > Uzzi > Zerahiah > Meraioth > Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Shallum > Hilkiah > Azariah > Seraiah > Ezra

    Notice how 1-7 in the first and 2-8 in the second line up. Then 14-21 in the first and 9-16 in the second line up. Finally, notice the sequence Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub occurs twice in the first sequence and once in the second.

    Chronicles specifically calls out Jonathan, 13 in the first list, who is not in the second list, as the one who ministered in the Temple that Solomon built. I think the Ezra genealogy is too short for the number of years spanned, and although accurate, as a great grand son is a descendant (son) of a great grand father, conveniently leaves out names between the repeating sequence of three: Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub
    Ezra, the presumed author of the book bearing his name is not really introduced until chapter 7. He was a Levitical priest and a skilled scribe in the Law of Moses. His leadership and organizational skills were instrumental in the construction of the second Temple.

    Ezra 7:1-5 provides a Levitical genealogy for Ezra which you can see that it goes all the way back to Aaron, but doesn't exactly match the genealogy given in 1 Chronicles 6:1-15 which is:

    Eleazar > Phinehas > Abishua > Bukki > Uzzi > Zerahiah > Meraioth > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Ahimaaz > Azariah > Johanan > Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Shallum > Hilkiah > Azariah > Seraiah > Jehozadak

    Here in Ezra 7:1-5:

    Aaron > Eleazar > Phinehas > Abishua > Bukki > Uzzi > Zerahiah > Meraioth > Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Shallum > Hilkiah > Azariah > Seraiah > Ezra

    Notice how 1-7 in the first and 2-8 in the second line up. Then 14-21 in the first and 9-16 in the second line up. Finally, notice the sequence Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub occurs twice in the first sequence and once in the second.

    Chronicles specifically calls out Jonathan, 13 in the first list, who is not in the second list, as the one who ministered in the Temple that Solomon built. I think the Ezra genealogy is too short for the number of years spanned, and although accurate, as a great grand son is a descendant (son) of a great grand father, conveniently leaves out names between the repeating sequence of three: Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub

2021-11-02 09:18:25 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Ezra 7:1

    this is an interesting genealogy, because if you look at the tree, you can see that it goes all the way back to Aaron but doesn't exactly match the genealogy given in 1 Chronicles 6:1-15 which is:

    Eleazar > Phinehas > Abishua > Bukki > Uzzi > Zerahiah > Meraioth > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Ahimaaz > Azariah > Johanan > Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Shallum > Hilkiah > Azariah > Seraiah > Jehozadak

    Here in Ezra 7:1-5:

    Aaron > Eleazar > Phinehas > Abishua > Bukki > Uzzi > Zerahiah > Meraioth > Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Shallum > Hilkiah > Azariah > Seraiah > Ezra

    Notice how 1-7 in the first and 2-8 in the second line up. Then 14-21 in the first and 9-16 in the second line up. Finally, notice the sequence Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub occurs twice in the first sequence and once in the second.
    Ezra 7:1

    this is an interesting genealogy, because if you look at the tree, you can see that it goes all the way back to Aaron but doesn't exactly match the genealogy given in 1 Chronicles 6:1-15 which is:

    Eleazar > Phinehas > Abishua > Bukki > Uzzi > Zerahiah > Meraioth > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Ahimaaz > Azariah > Johanan > Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Shallum > Hilkiah > Azariah > Seraiah > Jehozadak

    Here in Ezra 7:1-5:

    Aaron > Eleazar > Phinehas > Abishua > Bukki > Uzzi > Zerahiah > Meraioth > Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Shallum > Hilkiah > Azariah > Seraiah > Ezra

    Notice how 1-7 in the first and 2-8 in the second line up. Then 14-21 in the first and 9-16 in the second line up. Finally, notice the sequence Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub occurs twice in the first sequence and once in the second.

    Chronicles specifically calls out Jonathan, 13 in the first list, who is not in the second list, as the one who ministered in the Temple that Solomon built. I think the Ezra genealogy is too short for the number of years spanned, and although accurate, as a great grand son is a descendant (son) of a great grand father, conveniently leaves out names between the repeating sequence of three: Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub

2021-11-02 09:12:43 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ezra
  • Father: Seraiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Ezra 7:1

    this is an interesting genealogy, because if you look at the tree, you can see that it goes all the way back to Aaron but doesn't exactly match the genealogy given in 1 Chronicles 6:1-15 which is:

    Eleazar > Phinehas > Abishua > Bukki > Uzzi > Zerahiah > Meraioth > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Ahimaaz > Azariah > Johanan > Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Shallum > Hilkiah > Azariah > Seraiah > Jehozadak

    Here in Ezra 7:1-5:

    Aaron > Eleazar > Phinehas > Abishua > Bukki > Uzzi > Zerahiah > Meraioth > Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub > Zadok > Shallum > Hilkiah > Azariah > Seraiah > Ezra

    Notice how 1-7 in the first and 2-8 in the second line up. Then 14-21 in the first and 9-16 in the second line up. Finally, notice the sequence Azariah > Amariah > Ahitub occurs twice in the first sequence and once in the second.
2021-11-02 09:05:36 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Zedekiah (King) to: Zedekiah (last King)

2021-11-01 09:09:00 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Zedekiah to: Zedekiah (King)
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:15
    Originally named Mattaniah [2 Kings 24:17]
    Originally named Mattaniah [2 Kings 24:17]
    1 Chronicles 3:15
    2 Chronicles 36:11

    Zedekiah was 21 years old when he became king and he reigned 11 years, and he did evil in the sight of God. He also rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar, who had made him swear an oath by God. [2 Chronicles 36:11-13]

2021-11-01 08:57:29 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Jehoiachin to: Jehoiachin (King)
  • Biography from:
  • 2 Kings 24:6
    2 Kings 24:6
    2 Chronicles 36:9

    Jehoiachin was 8 years old when he became king and he reigned for 3 months and 10 days, and he did evil in the sight of God. [2 Chronicles 36:9-10]

2021-11-01 08:53:11 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Jehoiakim to: Jehoiakim (King)
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:15
    Originally named Eliakim [2 Kings 23:34]
    1 Chronicles 3:15
    Originally named Eliakim [2 Kings 23:34]

    Jehoiakim was 25 years old when he became king and he reigned 11 years, and did evil in the sight of God. Then Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came to Jerusalem and carried Jehoiakim, bound in bronze fetters, to Babylon. [2 Kings 23:35-24:1; 2 Chronicles 36:5-8]

2021-11-01 08:50:23 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Jehoahaz to: Jehoahaz (King)
  • Biography from:
  • 2 Kings 23:30
    2 Kings 23:30
    2 Chronicles 36:1

    Jehoahaz was 23 when he became king and he reigned for 3 months. Then the king of Egypt deposed him and made Eliakim king in his place and changed his name to Jehoiakim. The king of Egypt took Jehoahaz to Egypt. [2 Chronicles 36:1-4]

2021-11-01 08:47:56 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:12 => Azariah
    2 Chronicles 26:1 => Uzziah
    Matthew 1:9

    Uzziah started his reign when he was only 16 years old [2 Chronicles 26:3].

    Uzziah had the second longest reign, 52 years [2 Kings 15:2, 2 Chronicles 26:3], in Judah after the wicked king Manasseh, who reigned 55 years [2 Kings 21:1, 2 Chronicles 33:1].

    Uzziah trusted the Lord and was very successful in everything he did. But when he reached the height of his power, he became proud and thought he could go into the temple and burn incense. Not being a Levite, the priests tried to stop him, but when he became angry with them, the Lord struck him with leprosy. He lived in isolation for the rest of his life (it doesn't say how long) and his son Jotham ran the show. [2 Chronicles 26]
    1 Chronicles 3:12 => Azariah
    2 Chronicles 26:1 => Uzziah
    Matthew 1:9

    Uzziah started his reign when he was only 16 years old [2 Chronicles 26:3].

    Uzziah had the second longest reign, 52 years [2 Kings 15:2, 2 Chronicles 26:3], in Judah after the wicked king Manasseh, who reigned 55 years [2 Kings 21:1, 2 Chronicles 33:1].

    Uzziah trusted the Lord and was very successful in everything he did. But when he reached the height of his power, he became proud and thought he could go into the temple and burn incense. Not being a Levite, the priests tried to stop him, but when he became angry with them, the Lord struck him with leprosy. He lived in isolation for the rest of his life (it doesn't say how long) and his son Jotham ran the show. [2 Chronicles 26:1-23]

2021-11-01 08:38:48 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:13
    Matthew 1:9,10

    Hezekiah became king when he was 25 and he reigned for 29 years. He did what was right in the sight of the Lord. He reopened the Temple, repaired and cleaned it. He brought the Levites back to minister in the Temple. He restored Temple sacrifices and worship.

    Hezekiah also sent to all Judah and even invited Ephraim and Manasseh to come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. In fact then even made a proclamation from Beersheba to Dan that any and all should come to the Passover which had not been celebrated for a long time. The messengers through the northern tribes were mocked and laughed at, but some humbled themselves and came.

    There had not been a Passover celebration like this since the days of Solomon. Hezekiah went on the enact great reforms, destroying idolatrous worship sites, even among the northern tribes. Hezekiah did what was good and right and true in the sight of the Lord and he prospered.

    After this the Assyrians came and besieged Jerusalem, and started waging psychological warfare by calling up to the people on the city wall in Hebrew, telling them what he was going to do to them if they didn't surrender. However Hezekiah prayed to God for rescue and the angel of the Lord killed 185000 Assyrians and delivered them.

    After this Hezekiah became deathly sick and was told by the prophet Isaiah that he should prepare himself to die. But Hezekiah prayed to God and reminded Him how he had been faithful in doing what was right, and cried bitterly. So God sent Isaiah back to tell Hezekiah he would recover and live for 15 more years. Strangely Hezekiah asked for a sign that he would really survive, so he was asked whether he would rather have the shadow on the sundial go backward or forward 10 degrees. He chose backward and it happened.

    [2 Kings 18-20; 2 Chronicles 29-32]

    Finally, one interesting point is that Manasseh who succeeded Hezekiah was only 12 years old when he began to reign, meaning he was born during the extended period of life that Hezekiah received. Did he not have any other sons before that? It hardly seems likely. [2 Kings21:1; 2 Chronicles 33:1]

    1 Chronicles 3:13
    Matthew 1:9,10

    Hezekiah became king when he was 25 and he reigned for 29 years. He did what was right in the sight of the Lord. He reopened the Temple, repaired and cleaned it. He brought the Levites back to minister in the Temple. He restored Temple sacrifices and worship.

    Hezekiah also sent to all Judah and even invited Ephraim and Manasseh to come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. In fact then even made a proclamation from Beersheba to Dan that any and all should come to the Passover which had not been celebrated for a long time. The messengers through the northern tribes were mocked and laughed at, but some humbled themselves and came.

    There had not been a Passover celebration like this since the days of Solomon. Hezekiah went on the enact great reforms, destroying idolatrous worship sites, even among the northern tribes. Hezekiah did what was good and right and true in the sight of the Lord and he prospered.

    After this the Assyrians came and besieged Jerusalem, and started waging psychological warfare by calling up to the people on the city wall in Hebrew, telling them what he was going to do to them if they didn't surrender. However Hezekiah prayed to God for rescue and the angel of the Lord killed 185000 Assyrians and delivered them.

    After this Hezekiah became deathly sick and was told by the prophet Isaiah that he should prepare himself to die. But Hezekiah prayed to God and reminded Him how he had been faithful in doing what was right, and cried bitterly. So God sent Isaiah back to tell Hezekiah he would recover and live for 15 more years. Strangely Hezekiah asked for a sign that he would really survive, so he was asked whether he would rather have the shadow on the sundial go backward or forward 10 degrees. He chose backward and it happened.

    [2 Kings 18:1-19:34; 2 Chronicles 29:1-32:33; Isaiah 36:1-22]

    Finally, one interesting point is that Manasseh who succeeded Hezekiah was only 12 years old when he began to reign, meaning he was born during the extended period of life that Hezekiah received. Did he not have any other sons before that? It hardly seems likely. [2 Kings21:1; 2 Chronicles 33:1]

2021-11-01 08:37:02 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:14
    Matthew 1:10,11

    Josiah was 8 years old when he became king and he reigned for 31 years. He did what was right in the sight of God, and walked in the ways of his father David. Even at his young age when he began to reign, he started to purge Judah and Jerusalem of the high places and images. He extended his reforms north to the cities of Manasseh, Ephraim, Simeon and Naphtali [this was after the fall of the northern kingdom].

    In the 18th year of his reign, as he was still cleaning up the mess left by Manasseh and Amon, Hilkiah the high priest found the the book of the law given by Moses, as they were cleaning and repairing the Temple. Shaphan the scribe read it to the king, and when he heard what was written he tore his clothes when he heard all the commands that they were not observing. So Hilkiah the priest went to Huldah the prophetess, and she said that the Lord will bring calamity on this place and its inhabitants because of their wickedness, but as for Josiah, because he humbled himself and did his best to reform, it would not happen in his days.

    Now with the book of the law given by Moses, Josiah gathered all the men of Judah and Jerusalem, great and small and had the book read in their hearing. Then he made a covenant before the Lord to follow all His commandments written in the book. Then Josiah kept a Passover in Jerusalem like none that had been kept since the days of Samuel.

    In the 31st year of Josiah's reign, Necho king of Egypt came up to fight against Carchemish by the Euphrates. Josiah went out against him, but Necho sent messengers to him saying, why are you coming out against me? I am not coming to fight against you. Refrain from meddling with God lest He destroy you. But Josiah did not heed the words of Necho from the mouth of God. And archers shot Josiah, and they brought him to Jerusalem and he died, and all Judah and Jerusalem mourned for him.

    [2 Kings 22:1-23:30 ; 2 Chronicles 34-35]
    1 Chronicles 3:14
    Matthew 1:10,11

    Josiah was 8 years old when he became king and he reigned for 31 years. He did what was right in the sight of God, and walked in the ways of his father David. Even at his young age when he began to reign, he started to purge Judah and Jerusalem of the high places and images. He extended his reforms north to the cities of Manasseh, Ephraim, Simeon and Naphtali [this was after the fall of the northern kingdom].

    In the 18th year of his reign, as he was still cleaning up the mess left by Manasseh and Amon, Hilkiah the high priest found the the book of the law given by Moses, as they were cleaning and repairing the Temple. Shaphan the scribe read it to the king, and when he heard what was written he tore his clothes when he heard all the commands that they were not observing. So Hilkiah the priest went to Huldah the prophetess, and she said that the Lord will bring calamity on this place and its inhabitants because of their wickedness, but as for Josiah, because he humbled himself and did his best to reform, it would not happen in his days.

    Now with the book of the law given by Moses, Josiah gathered all the men of Judah and Jerusalem, great and small and had the book read in their hearing. Then he made a covenant before the Lord to follow all His commandments written in the book. Then Josiah kept a Passover in Jerusalem like none that had been kept since the days of Samuel.

    In the 31st year of Josiah's reign, Necho king of Egypt came up to fight against Carchemish by the Euphrates. Josiah went out against him, but Necho sent messengers to him saying, why are you coming out against me? I am not coming to fight against you. Refrain from meddling with God lest He destroy you. But Josiah did not heed the words of Necho from the mouth of God. And archers shot Josiah, and they brought him to Jerusalem and he died, and all Judah and Jerusalem mourned for him.

    [2 Kings 22:1-23:30 ; 2 Chronicles 34:1-35:27]

2021-11-01 08:33:41 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:14
    Matthew 1:10,11

    Josiah was 8 years old when he became king and he reigned for 31 years. He did what was right in the sight of God, and walked in the ways of his father David. Even at his young age when he began to reign, he started to purge Judah and Jerusalem of the high places and images. He extended his reforms north to the cities of Manasseh, Ephraim, Simeon and Naphtali [this was after the fall of the northern kingdom].

    In the 18th year of his reign, as he was still cleaning up the mess left by Manasseh and Amon, Hilkiah the high priest found the the book of the law given by Moses, as they were cleaning and repairing the Temple. Shaphan the scribe read it to the king, and when he heard what was written he tore his clothes when he heard all the commands that they were not observing. So Hilkiah the priest went to Huldah the prophetess, and she said that the Lord will bring calamity on this place and its inhabitants because of their wickedness, but as for Josiah, because he humbled himself and did his best to reform, it would not happen in his days.

    Now with the book of the law given by Moses, Josiah gathered all the men of Judah and Jerusalem, great and small and had the book read in their hearing. Then he made a covenant before the Lord to follow all His commandments written in the book. Then Josiah kept a Passover in Jerusalem
    1 Chronicles 3:14
    Matthew 1:10,11

    Josiah was 8 years old when he became king and he reigned for 31 years. He did what was right in the sight of God, and walked in the ways of his father David. Even at his young age when he began to reign, he started to purge Judah and Jerusalem of the high places and images. He extended his reforms north to the cities of Manasseh, Ephraim, Simeon and Naphtali [this was after the fall of the northern kingdom].

    In the 18th year of his reign, as he was still cleaning up the mess left by Manasseh and Amon, Hilkiah the high priest found the the book of the law given by Moses, as they were cleaning and repairing the Temple. Shaphan the scribe read it to the king, and when he heard what was written he tore his clothes when he heard all the commands that they were not observing. So Hilkiah the priest went to Huldah the prophetess, and she said that the Lord will bring calamity on this place and its inhabitants because of their wickedness, but as for Josiah, because he humbled himself and did his best to reform, it would not happen in his days.

    Now with the book of the law given by Moses, Josiah gathered all the men of Judah and Jerusalem, great and small and had the book read in their hearing. Then he made a covenant before the Lord to follow all His commandments written in the book. Then Josiah kept a Passover in Jerusalem like none that had been kept since the days of Samuel.

    In the 31st year of Josiah's reign, Necho king of Egypt came up to fight against Carchemish by the Euphrates. Josiah went out against him, but Necho sent messengers to him saying, why are you coming out against me? I am not coming to fight against you. Refrain from meddling with God lest He destroy you. But Josiah did not heed the words of Necho from the mouth of God. And archers shot Josiah, and they brought him to Jerusalem and he died, and all Judah and Jerusalem mourned for him.

    [2 Kings 22:1-23:30 ; 2 Chronicles 34-35]

2021-11-01 08:32:57 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:14
    Matthew 1:10,11
    1 Chronicles 3:14
    Matthew 1:10,11

    Josiah was 8 years old when he became king and he reigned for 31 years. He did what was right in the sight of God, and walked in the ways of his father David. Even at his young age when he began to reign, he started to purge Judah and Jerusalem of the high places and images. He extended his reforms north to the cities of Manasseh, Ephraim, Simeon and Naphtali [this was after the fall of the northern kingdom].

    In the 18th year of his reign, as he was still cleaning up the mess left by Manasseh and Amon, Hilkiah the high priest found the the book of the law given by Moses, as they were cleaning and repairing the Temple. Shaphan the scribe read it to the king, and when he heard what was written he tore his clothes when he heard all the commands that they were not observing. So Hilkiah the priest went to Huldah the prophetess, and she said that the Lord will bring calamity on this place and its inhabitants because of their wickedness, but as for Josiah, because he humbled himself and did his best to reform, it would not happen in his days.

    Now with the book of the law given by Moses, Josiah gathered all the men of Judah and Jerusalem, great and small and had the book read in their hearing. Then he made a covenant before the Lord to follow all His commandments written in the book. Then Josiah kept a Passover in Jerusalem

2021-10-31 11:48:47 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:14
    Matthew 1:10
    1 Chronicles 3:14
    Matthew 1:10

    Amon was 22 years old when he became king and he reigned for 2 years and was very evil. Then his servants conspired against him and killed him and Josiah his son became king.

    [2 Kings 21:19-26; 2 Chronicles 33:21-25]

2021-10-31 11:26:42 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:13
    Matthew 1:10
    1 Chronicles 3:13
    Matthew 1:10

    Manasseh was 12 years old when he became king and he reigned for 55 years in Jerusalem. He was the longest reigning king over either Israel or Judah, but he did evil in the sight of God, and seduced Judah to do more evil than the nations whom the Lord destroyed before them.
    [2 Kings 21:1-18; 2 Chronicles 33:1-20]

2021-10-31 11:23:26 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:13
    Matthew 1:9,10

    Hezekiah became king when he was 25 and he reigned for 29 years. He did what was right in the sight of the Lord. He reopened the Temple, repaired and cleaned it. He brought the Levites back to minister in the Temple. He restored Temple sacrifices and worship.

    Hezekiah also sent to all Judah and even invited Ephraim and Manasseh to come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. In fact then even made a proclamation from Beersheba to Dan that any and all should come to the Passover which had not been celebrated for a long time. The messengers through the northern tribes were mocked and laughed at, but some humbled themselves and came.

    There had not been a Passover celebration like this since the days of Solomon. Hezekiah went on the enact great reforms, destroying idolatrous worship sites, even among the northern tribes. Hezekiah did what was good and right and true in the sight of the Lord and he prospered.

    After this the Assyrians came and besieged Jerusalem, and started waging psychological warfare by calling up to the people on the city wall in Hebrew, telling them what he was going to do to them if they didn't surrender. However Hezekiah prayed to God for rescue and the angel of the Lord killed 185000 Assyrians and delivered them.

    After this Hezekiah became deathly sick and was told by the prophet Isaiah that he should prepare himself to die. But Hezekiah prayed to God and reminded Him how he had been faithful in doing what was right, and cried bitterly. So God sent Isaiah back to tell Hezekiah he would recover and live for 15 more years. Strangely Hezekiah asked for a sign that he would really survive, so he was asked whether he would rather have the shadow on the sundial go backward or forward 10 degrees. He chose backward and it happened.

    [2 Kings 18-20; 2 Chronicles 29-31]

    Finally, one interesting point is that Manasseh who succeeded Hezekiah was only 12 years old when he began to reign, meaning he was born during the extended period of life that Hezekiah received. Did he not have any other sons before that? It hardly seems likely. [2 Kings21:1]

    1 Chronicles 3:13
    Matthew 1:9,10

    Hezekiah became king when he was 25 and he reigned for 29 years. He did what was right in the sight of the Lord. He reopened the Temple, repaired and cleaned it. He brought the Levites back to minister in the Temple. He restored Temple sacrifices and worship.

    Hezekiah also sent to all Judah and even invited Ephraim and Manasseh to come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. In fact then even made a proclamation from Beersheba to Dan that any and all should come to the Passover which had not been celebrated for a long time. The messengers through the northern tribes were mocked and laughed at, but some humbled themselves and came.

    There had not been a Passover celebration like this since the days of Solomon. Hezekiah went on the enact great reforms, destroying idolatrous worship sites, even among the northern tribes. Hezekiah did what was good and right and true in the sight of the Lord and he prospered.

    After this the Assyrians came and besieged Jerusalem, and started waging psychological warfare by calling up to the people on the city wall in Hebrew, telling them what he was going to do to them if they didn't surrender. However Hezekiah prayed to God for rescue and the angel of the Lord killed 185000 Assyrians and delivered them.

    After this Hezekiah became deathly sick and was told by the prophet Isaiah that he should prepare himself to die. But Hezekiah prayed to God and reminded Him how he had been faithful in doing what was right, and cried bitterly. So God sent Isaiah back to tell Hezekiah he would recover and live for 15 more years. Strangely Hezekiah asked for a sign that he would really survive, so he was asked whether he would rather have the shadow on the sundial go backward or forward 10 degrees. He chose backward and it happened.

    [2 Kings 18-20; 2 Chronicles 29-32]

    Finally, one interesting point is that Manasseh who succeeded Hezekiah was only 12 years old when he began to reign, meaning he was born during the extended period of life that Hezekiah received. Did he not have any other sons before that? It hardly seems likely. [2 Kings21:1; 2 Chronicles 33:1]

2021-10-31 11:14:12 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:13
    Matthew 1:9,10

    Hezekiah became king when he was 25 and he reigned for 29 years. He did what was right in the sight of the Lord. He reopened the Temple, repaired and cleaned it. He brought the Levites back to minister in the Temple. He restored Temple sacrifices and worship.

    Hezekiah also sent to all Judah and even invited Ephraim and Manasseh to come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. In fact then even made a proclamation from Beersheba to Dan that any and all should come to the Passover which had not been celebrated for a long time. The messengers through the northern tribes were mocked and laughed at, but some humbled themselves and came.

    There had not been a Passover celebration like this since the days of Solomon. Hezekiah went on the enact great reforms, destroying idolatrous worship sites, even among the northern tribes. Hezekiah did what was good and right and true in the sight of the Lord and he prospered.

    After this the Assyrians came and camped outside of Jerusalem, and started waging psychological warfare by calling up to the people on the city wall in Hebrew, telling them what he was going to do to them if they didn't surrender. However Hezekiah prayed to God for rescue and the angel of the Lord killed 185
    [2 Chronicles 29-31]
    1 Chronicles 3:13
    Matthew 1:9,10

    Hezekiah became king when he was 25 and he reigned for 29 years. He did what was right in the sight of the Lord. He reopened the Temple, repaired and cleaned it. He brought the Levites back to minister in the Temple. He restored Temple sacrifices and worship.

    Hezekiah also sent to all Judah and even invited Ephraim and Manasseh to come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. In fact then even made a proclamation from Beersheba to Dan that any and all should come to the Passover which had not been celebrated for a long time. The messengers through the northern tribes were mocked and laughed at, but some humbled themselves and came.

    There had not been a Passover celebration like this since the days of Solomon. Hezekiah went on the enact great reforms, destroying idolatrous worship sites, even among the northern tribes. Hezekiah did what was good and right and true in the sight of the Lord and he prospered.

    After this the Assyrians came and besieged Jerusalem, and started waging psychological warfare by calling up to the people on the city wall in Hebrew, telling them what he was going to do to them if they didn't surrender. However Hezekiah prayed to God for rescue and the angel of the Lord killed 185000 Assyrians and delivered them.

    After this Hezekiah became deathly sick and was told by the prophet Isaiah that he should prepare himself to die. But Hezekiah prayed to God and reminded Him how he had been faithful in doing what was right, and cried bitterly. So God sent Isaiah back to tell Hezekiah he would recover and live for 15 more years. Strangely Hezekiah asked for a sign that he would really survive, so he was asked whether he would rather have the shadow on the sundial go backward or forward 10 degrees. He chose backward and it happened.

    [2 Kings 18-20; 2 Chronicles 29-31]

    Finally, one interesting point is that Manasseh who succeeded Hezekiah was only 12 years old when he began to reign, meaning he was born during the extended period of life that Hezekiah received. Did he not have any other sons before that? It hardly seems likely. [2 Kings21:1]

2021-10-31 11:11:48 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:13
    Matthew 1:9,10
    1 Chronicles 3:13
    Matthew 1:9,10

    Hezekiah became king when he was 25 and he reigned for 29 years. He did what was right in the sight of the Lord. He reopened the Temple, repaired and cleaned it. He brought the Levites back to minister in the Temple. He restored Temple sacrifices and worship.

    Hezekiah also sent to all Judah and even invited Ephraim and Manasseh to come to Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. In fact then even made a proclamation from Beersheba to Dan that any and all should come to the Passover which had not been celebrated for a long time. The messengers through the northern tribes were mocked and laughed at, but some humbled themselves and came.

    There had not been a Passover celebration like this since the days of Solomon. Hezekiah went on the enact great reforms, destroying idolatrous worship sites, even among the northern tribes. Hezekiah did what was good and right and true in the sight of the Lord and he prospered.

    After this the Assyrians came and camped outside of Jerusalem, and started waging psychological warfare by calling up to the people on the city wall in Hebrew, telling them what he was going to do to them if they didn't surrender. However Hezekiah prayed to God for rescue and the angel of the Lord killed 185
    [2 Chronicles 29-31]

2021-10-30 10:27:08 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:13
    Matthew 1:9

    Ahaz was 20 when he became king and he reigned for 16 years. He was wicked in the sight of the Lord, walking in the ways of the kings of Israel. He made images to Baal and even burned his children in idolatrous practices. [2 Chronicles 28:1-4]
    1 Chronicles 3:13
    Matthew 1:9

    Ahaz was 20 when he became king and he reigned for 16 years. He was wicked in the sight of the Lord, walking in the ways of the kings of Israel. He made images to Baal and even burned his children in idolatrous practices.

    Because of his wickedness, the Lord let him be defeated by the king of Israel who killed 120000 valiant men in one day. The army of Israel also carried away 200000 women and children as captives and much spoil.

    But when they returned to Samaria with their captives and spoil, they were met by a prophet Oded, who rebuked them and said their slaughter of the children of Judah reached up to heaven. He rebuked them for thinking that they would make their captives slaves when they were also guilty before the Lord. So they clothed, fed and anointed the captives and took them back home to Jericho. [2 Chronicles 28:1-15]

2021-10-30 09:59:30 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Maaseiah
  • Father: Ahaz (King)
  • Mother: Abi
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 28:7
2021-10-30 09:50:31 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:13
    Matthew 1:9
    1 Chronicles 3:13
    Matthew 1:9

    Ahaz was 20 when he became king and he reigned for 16 years. He was wicked in the sight of the Lord, walking in the ways of the kings of Israel. He made images to Baal and even burned his children in idolatrous practices. [2 Chronicles 28:1-4]

2021-10-30 09:48:53 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:12
    Matthew 1:9
    1 Chronicles 3:12
    Matthew 1:9

    Jotham was 25 years old when he became king and he reigned for 16 years.

    Jotham was a good king from the perspective of doing right in the sight of the Lord but the people did not take his lead. It says they still acted corruptly. [2 Chronicles 27:1-2]

2021-10-30 09:44:40 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Joram or Jehoram (Ki to: Joram (King)

2021-10-30 09:40:12 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Azariah or Uzziah (K to: Uzziah (King)
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:12 => Azariah
    2 Chronicles 26:1 => Uzziah
    Matthew 1:9

    Uzziah started his reign when he was only 16 years old [2 Chronicles 26:3].

    Uzziah had the second longest reign, 52 years [2 Kings 15:2, 2 Chronicles 26:3], in Judah after the wicked king Manasseh, who reigned 55 years [2 Kings 21:1, 2 Chronicles 33:1].
    1 Chronicles 3:12 => Azariah
    2 Chronicles 26:1 => Uzziah
    Matthew 1:9

    Uzziah started his reign when he was only 16 years old [2 Chronicles 26:3].

    Uzziah had the second longest reign, 52 years [2 Kings 15:2, 2 Chronicles 26:3], in Judah after the wicked king Manasseh, who reigned 55 years [2 Kings 21:1, 2 Chronicles 33:1].

    Uzziah trusted the Lord and was very successful in everything he did. But when he reached the height of his power, he became proud and thought he could go into the temple and burn incense. Not being a Levite, the priests tried to stop him, but when he became angry with them, the Lord struck him with leprosy. He lived in isolation for the rest of his life (it doesn't say how long) and his son Jotham ran the show. [2 Chronicles 26]

2021-10-30 09:39:35 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:12 => Azariah
    2 Chronicles 26:1 => Uzziah
    Matthew 1:9

    Uzziah had the second longest reign, 52 years [2 Kings 15:2, 2 Chronicles 26:3], in Judah after the wicked king Manasseh, who reigned 55 years [2 Kings 21:1, 2 Chronicles 33:1].
    1 Chronicles 3:12 => Azariah
    2 Chronicles 26:1 => Uzziah
    Matthew 1:9

    Uzziah started his reign when he was only 16 years old [2 Chronicles 26:3].

    Uzziah had the second longest reign, 52 years [2 Kings 15:2, 2 Chronicles 26:3], in Judah after the wicked king Manasseh, who reigned 55 years [2 Kings 21:1, 2 Chronicles 33:1].

2021-10-29 09:48:53 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Azariah (King) to: Azariah or Uzziah (King)
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:12
    Matthew 1:9
    1 Chronicles 3:12 => Azariah
    2 Chronicles 26:1 => Uzziah
    Matthew 1:9

    Uzziah had the second longest reign, 52 years [2 Kings 15:2, 2 Chronicles 26:3], in Judah after the wicked king Manasseh, who reigned 55 years [2 Kings 21:1, 2 Chronicles 33:1].

2021-10-29 09:46:26 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 2 Chronicles 22:11
    This is the priest who was very instrumental in placing the young Joash on the throne.
    2 Chronicles 22:11
    This is the priest who was very instrumental in placing the young Joash on the throne.

    He lived to the age of 130 years. This past the time when David said in Psalm 90:10 that a person's lifetime is 70 years.

2021-10-29 09:34:55 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zechariah
  • Father: Jehoiada
  • Mother: Jehosheba
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 24:20
    Matthew 23:35

    Zechariah, son of Jehoiada was murdered in in the court of the Temple at the command of the apostate king Joash [2 Chronicles 24:20-22]
2021-10-29 09:31:22 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jehoiada
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 22:11
    This is the priest who was very instrumental in placing the young Joash on the throne.
2021-10-29 09:13:53 Webmaster[1]
A union record has been created with the following fields:
  • Husband: Jehoiada
  • Wife: Jehosheba
2021-10-29 09:13:53 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 2 Kings 11:2
    2 Kings 11:2 => Jehosheba
    2 Chronicles 22:11 => Jehoshabeath

2021-10-29 09:09:28 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shephatiah
  • Father: Jehoshaphat (King)
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 21:2
2021-10-28 09:13:44 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Michael
  • Father: Jehoshaphat (King)
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 21:2
2021-10-28 09:13:15 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Azaryahu
  • Father: Jehoshaphat (King)
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 21:2
2021-10-28 09:12:53 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zechariah
  • Father: Jehoshaphat (King)
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 21:2
2021-10-28 09:12:16 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jehiel
  • Father: Jehoshaphat (King)
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 21:2
2021-10-28 09:11:48 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Azariah
  • Father: Jehoshaphat (King)
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 21:2
2021-10-28 09:11:29 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Joram (King) to: Joram or Jehoram (King)
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:11
    1 Chronicles 3:11 => Joram
    2 Chronicles 21:1 => Jehoram

2021-10-28 09:10:22 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shilhi
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 20:31 it is not really stated whether Shilhi was the mother or father of Azubah, but considering the male dominated culture I'm just assuming father.
2021-10-28 09:06:55 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Azubah's father from: to: Shilhi

2021-10-28 09:06:54 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Kings 15:2 => Maachah
    2 Chronicles 13:2 => Michaiah

    2 Chronicles 11:20-21 says Rehoboam took Maachah granddaughter of Absalom, who I'm assuming Absalom son of David.
    1 Kings 15:2 says that Maacah is the granddaughter of Abishalom who I am also assuming is Absalom the son of David.

    Interestingly, Absalom's mother was named Maacah, daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur [2 Samuel 3:3]

    2 Samuel 14:26 also gives an interesting tidbit, that Absalom had three sons who were unnamed, but a beautiful daughter that he named Tamar, no doubt after his sister.

    I suspect that this Maachah who was said to be the favorite wife [2 Chronicles 11:21] of Rehoboam may well have been the daughter of Tamar, the beautiful daughter of Absalom.

    I think the fact that a person, Maachah, is named as the granddaughter of someone means that the grandparent is someone of significance, in this case the already known son of king David.

    1 Kings 15:2 => Maachah
    2 Chronicles 13:2 => Michaiah

    2 Chronicles 11:20-21 says Rehoboam took Maachah granddaughter of Absalom, who I'm assuming Absalom son of David.
    1 Kings 15:2 says that Maacah is the granddaughter of Abishalom who I am also assuming is Absalom the son of David.

    Interestingly, Absalom's mother was named Maacah, daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur [2 Samuel 3:3]

    2 Samuel 14:26 also gives an interesting tidbit, that Absalom had three sons who were unnamed, but a beautiful daughter that he named Tamar, no doubt after his sister.

    I suspect that this Maachah who was said to be the favorite wife [2 Chronicles 11:21] of Rehoboam may well have been the daughter of Tamar, the beautiful daughter of Absalom.

    I think the fact that a person, Maachah, is named as the granddaughter of someone means that the grandparent is someone of significance, in this case the already known son of king David.

    King Asa removed her (his grandmother) from being queen mother because she made an obscene image of Asherah. [2 Chronicles 15:16]

2021-10-28 08:46:52 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Kings 15:2 => Maachah
    2 Chronicles 13:2 => Michaiah
    1 Kings 15:2 => Maachah
    2 Chronicles 13:2 => Michaiah

    2 Chronicles 11:20-21 says Rehoboam took Maachah granddaughter of Absalom, who I'm assuming Absalom son of David.
    1 Kings 15:2 says that Maacah is the granddaughter of Abishalom who I am also assuming is Absalom the son of David.

    Interestingly, Absalom's mother was named Maacah, daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur [2 Samuel 3:3]

    2 Samuel 14:26 also gives an interesting tidbit, that Absalom had three sons who were unnamed, but a beautiful daughter that he named Tamar, no doubt after his sister.

    I suspect that this Maachah who was said to be the favorite wife [2 Chronicles 11:21] of Rehoboam may well have been the daughter of Tamar, the beautiful daughter of Absalom.

    I think the fact that a person, Maachah, is named as the granddaughter of someone means that the grandparent is someone of significance, in this case the already known son of king David.

2021-10-28 08:37:07 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 2 Chronicles 13:2
    2 Chronicles 11:20-21 says Rehoboam took Maachah granddaughter of Absalom, who I'm assuming Absalom son of David.
    1 Kings 15:2 says that Maacah is the granddaughter of Abishalom who I am also assuming is Absalom the son of David.

    Interestingly, Absalom's mother was named Maacah, daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur [2 Samuel 3:3]

    2 Samuel 14:26 also gives an interesting tidbit, that Absalom had three sons who were unnamed, but a beautiful daughter that he named Tamar, no doubt after his sister.

    I suspect that this Maacah who was said to be A
    I think the fact that a person, Maacah, is named as the granddaughter of someone means that the grandparent is someone of significance, in this case the already known son of king David.

    2 Chronicles 13:2
    2 Chronicles 11:20-21 says Rehoboam took Maachah granddaughter of Absalom, who I'm assuming Absalom son of David.
    1 Kings 15:2 says that Maacah is the granddaughter of Abishalom who I am also assuming is Absalom the son of David.

    Interestingly, Absalom's mother was named Maacah, daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur [2 Samuel 3:3]

    2 Samuel 14:26 also gives an interesting tidbit, that Absalom had three sons who were unnamed, but a beautiful daughter that he named Tamar, no doubt after his sister.

    I suspect that this Maachah who was said to be the favorite wife [2 Chronicles 11:21] of Rehoboam may well have been the daughter of Tamar, the beautiful daughter of Absalom.

    I think the fact that a person, Maachah, is named as the granddaughter of someone means that the grandparent is someone of significance, in this case the already known son of king David.

2021-10-28 08:28:02 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Abishalom to: Absalom
  • Biography from:
  • 2 Chronicles 13:2
    2 Chronicles 13:2
    2 Chronicles 11:20-21 says Rehoboam took Maachah granddaughter of Absalom, who I'm assuming Absalom son of David.
    1 Kings 15:2 says that Maacah is the granddaughter of Abishalom who I am also assuming is Absalom the son of David.

    Interestingly, Absalom's mother was named Maacah, daughter of Talmai, king of Geshur [2 Samuel 3:3]

    2 Samuel 14:26 also gives an interesting tidbit, that Absalom had three sons who were unnamed, but a beautiful daughter that he named Tamar, no doubt after his sister.

    I suspect that this Maacah who was said to be A
    I think the fact that a person, Maacah, is named as the granddaughter of someone means that the grandparent is someone of significance, in this case the already known son of king David.

2021-10-27 08:56:07 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Maachah to: Maachah or Michaiah
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Kings 15:2
    1 Kings 15:2 => Maachah
    2 Chronicles 13:2 => Michaiah

2021-10-27 08:32:10 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:10
    Matthew 1:7
    1 Chronicles 3:10
    Matthew 1:7
    Abijah was actually a wicked king according to 1 Kings 15:3, but in 2 Chronicles 13, there was a great battle between Judah and Israel in the time of Jereboam, first king of the Northern tribes of Israel, and because Abijah cried out to the Lord, Judah defeated Israel and killed 500,000 men.

2021-10-27 08:30:58 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Abishalom
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Kings 15:2 Actually I don't really know if Abishalom is the mother or father, and it's a little interesting that in this reference it gives mother and grandparent, but in 2 Chronicles 13:2 it names Abijah's mother and parent. So this line is inferred from the two verses.
2021-10-27 08:25:34 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Uriel's father from: to: Abishalom

2021-10-27 08:25:34 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Uriel
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 13:2
2021-10-27 08:10:26 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Maachah's father from: to: Uriel

2021-10-27 08:10:26 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Tamar
  • Father: Absalom
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 2 Samuel 14:27
2021-10-26 09:04:39 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shelomith
  • Father: Rehoboam (King)
  • Mother: Maachah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 11:20
2021-10-26 09:01:26 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ziza
  • Father: Rehoboam (King)
  • Mother: Maachah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 11:20
2021-10-26 09:01:03 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Attai
  • Father: Rehoboam (King)
  • Mother: Maachah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 11:20
2021-10-26 09:00:31 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zaham
  • Father: Rehoboam (King)
  • Mother: Abihail
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 11:19
2021-10-26 08:57:13 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shamariah
  • Father: Rehoboam (King)
  • Mother: Abihail
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 11:19
2021-10-26 08:56:39 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jeush
  • Father: Rehoboam (King)
  • Mother: Abihail
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 11:19
2021-10-26 08:55:34 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Abihail
  • Father: Eliab
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 2 Chronicles 11:18
2021-10-26 08:54:05 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 23:17
    1 Chronicles 23:17
    It is not clear in this line who might be a direct son and who are descendants because they are mentioned in 1 Chronicles 26:25 as working in the Temple at the time of king David.

2021-10-24 10:55:16 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 23:16
    1 Chronicles 23:16
    It seems that he was not directly a son but a descendant because he is mentioned in 1 Chronicles 26:24 as working in the Temple at the time of king David.

2021-10-24 10:52:53 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Mahazioth
  • Father: Heman
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 25:4
2021-10-24 10:38:08 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Hothir
  • Father: Heman
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 25:4
2021-10-24 10:37:37 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Mallothi
  • Father: Heman
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 25:4
2021-10-24 10:37:15 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Joshbekashah
  • Father: Heman
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 25:4
2021-10-24 10:36:50 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Romanti-Ezer
  • Father: Heman
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 25:4
2021-10-24 10:36:12 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Gidalti
  • Father: Heman
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 25:4
2021-10-24 10:35:42 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Eliath
  • Father: Heman
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 25:4
2021-10-24 10:35:21 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Hanani
  • Father: Heman
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 25:4
2021-10-24 10:34:59 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Hananiah
  • Father: Heman
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 25:4
2021-10-24 10:34:34 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jerimoth or Jeremoth
  • Father: Heman
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 25:4 => Jerimoth
    v22 => Jeremoth
2021-10-24 10:34:03 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shebuel or Shubael
  • Father: Heman
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 25:4 => Shebuel
    v20 => Shubael
2021-10-24 10:33:07 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Uzziel or Azarel
  • Father: Heman
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 25:4 => Uzziel
    v18 => Azarel
2021-10-24 10:32:02 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Mattaniah
  • Father: Heman
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 25:4
2021-10-24 10:30:58 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Bukkiah
  • Father: Heman
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 25:4
2021-10-24 10:30:32 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Asharelah or Jesharelah
  • Father: Asaph
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 25:2 => Asharelah
    1 Chronicles 25:14 => Jesharelah
2021-10-24 10:26:45 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Nethaniel
  • Father: Asaph
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 25:2
2021-10-24 10:22:06 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Joseph
  • Father: Asaph
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 25:2
2021-10-24 10:21:41 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zaccur
  • Father: Asaph
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 25:2
2021-10-24 10:21:18 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jerahmeel
  • Father: Kish
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 24:29
2021-10-23 10:46:38 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jesshiah
  • Father: Uzziel
  • Gender: M
  • Birth order: 2
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 23:20
2021-10-23 10:38:24 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Michah
  • Father: Uzziel
  • Gender: M
  • Birth order: 1
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 23:20
2021-10-23 10:37:40 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jakameam
  • Father: Hebron
  • Gender: M
  • Birth order: 4
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 23:19
2021-10-23 10:36:22 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jahaziel
  • Father: Hebron
  • Gender: M
  • Birth order: 3
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 23:19
2021-10-23 10:35:48 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Birth order from: 0 to: 1

2021-10-23 10:35:14 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Amariah
  • Father: Hebron
  • Gender: M
  • Birth order: 2
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 23:19
2021-10-23 10:34:59 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jeriah
  • Father: Hebron
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 23:19
2021-10-23 10:34:25 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shelomith
  • Father: Izhar or Amminadab
  • Gender: M
  • Birth order: 1
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 23:18
2021-10-23 10:33:30 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jeremoth
  • Father: Mushi
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 23:23
2021-10-23 10:26:03 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Eder
  • Father: Mushi
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 23:23
2021-10-23 10:25:44 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Kish
  • Father: Mahli
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 23:21
2021-10-23 10:24:46 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Eleazar
  • Father: Mahli
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 23:21
2021-10-23 10:24:21 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shelomith
  • Father: Zichri
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 26:25
2021-10-23 10:20:41 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zichri
  • Father: Joram
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 26:25
2021-10-23 10:19:12 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Joram
  • Father: Jeshaiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 26:25
2021-10-23 10:18:41 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jeshaiah
  • Father: Rehabiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 26:25
2021-10-23 10:18:17 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Rehabiah
  • Father: Eliezer
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 23:17
2021-10-23 10:12:50 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shebuel
  • Father: Gershom or Gershon
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 23:16
2021-10-23 10:11:28 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Eliezer
  • Father: Moses
  • Mother: Zipporah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 23:15
2021-10-23 10:08:35 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Gershom to: Gershom or Gershon
  • Biography from:
  • Exodus 2:22
    Exodus 2:22 => Gershom
    1 Chronicles 23:15 => Eliezar

2021-10-23 10:05:34 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Gershom
  • Father: Moses
  • Mother: Zipporah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Exodus 2:22
2021-10-23 10:03:18 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Hobab
  • Father: Reuel or Jethro
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Numbers 10:29
2021-10-23 10:02:16 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Reuel to: Reuel or Jethro
  • Biography from:
  • Exodus 2:18-21
    Exodus 2:18-21 => Reuel
    Exodus 3:1 => Jethro

2021-10-23 10:01:11 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Reuel
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Exodus 2:18-21
2021-10-23 10:00:23 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Zipporah's father from: to: Reuel

2021-10-23 10:00:23 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zipporah
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: Exodus 2:21
2021-10-23 09:59:15 Webmaster[1]
A union record has been created with the following fields:
  • Husband: Moses
  • Wife: Zipporah
2021-10-23 09:59:15 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Josiah to: Josiah (King)

2021-10-22 08:49:16 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Amon to: Amon (King)

2021-10-22 08:49:02 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Manasseh to: Manasseh (King)

2021-10-22 08:48:51 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Hezekiah to: Hezekiah (King)

2021-10-22 08:48:40 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Ahaz to: Ahaz (King)

2021-10-22 08:48:29 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Jotham to: Jotham (King)

2021-10-22 08:48:15 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Azariah to: Azariah (King)

2021-10-22 08:48:03 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Amaziah to: Amaziah (King)

2021-10-22 08:47:50 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Joash to: Joash (King)

2021-10-22 08:47:30 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Ahaziah to: Ahaziah (King)

2021-10-21 09:21:00 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Joram to: Joram (King)

2021-10-21 09:20:34 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Jehoshaphat to: Jehoshaphat (King)

2021-10-21 09:20:18 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Asa to: Asa (King)

2021-10-21 09:20:03 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Abijah to: Abijah (King)

2021-10-21 09:19:49 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Rehoboam to: Rehoboam (King)

2021-10-21 09:19:29 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Solomon to: Solomon (King)

2021-10-21 09:18:52 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: David to: David (King)

2021-10-21 09:18:32 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ahimaaz
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Samuel 14:49
2021-10-21 09:17:21 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Ahinoam's father from: to: Ahimaaz

2021-10-21 09:17:21 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ahinoam
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 1 Samuel 14:50
2021-10-21 09:16:48 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Saul (King)'s mother from: to: Ahinoam

2021-10-21 09:16:48 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Mical
  • Father: Saul (King)
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 1 Samuel 14:49
2021-10-21 09:16:11 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Merab
  • Father: Saul (King)
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 1 Samuel 14:49
2021-10-21 09:15:29 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Abner
  • Father: Ner
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Samuel 14:50
2021-10-21 09:13:20 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Hanan
  • Father: Azel
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:44
2021-10-21 09:11:19 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Obadiah
  • Father: Azel
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:44
2021-10-21 09:11:00 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Sheariah
  • Father: Azel
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:44
2021-10-21 09:10:44 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ishmael
  • Father: Azel
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:44
2021-10-21 09:10:21 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Bocheru
  • Father: Azel
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:44
2021-10-21 09:10:01 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Azrikam
  • Father: Azel
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:44
2021-10-21 09:09:41 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Azel
  • Father: Eleasah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:43
2021-10-21 09:09:13 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Eleasah
  • Father: Rephaiah or Raphah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:43
2021-10-21 09:08:51 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Rephaiah or Raphah
  • Father: Binea
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:43 => Rephaiah
    1 Chronicles 8:37 => Raphah
2021-10-21 09:08:12 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Binea
  • Father: Moza
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:43
2021-10-21 09:06:06 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Moza
  • Father: Zimri
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:42
2021-10-21 09:05:47 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zimri
  • Father: Jarah or Jehoaddah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:42
2021-10-21 09:05:25 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Azmaveth
  • Father: Jarah or Jehoaddah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:42
2021-10-21 09:05:02 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Alemeth
  • Father: Jarah or Jehoaddah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:42
2021-10-21 09:04:42 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Jarah to: Jarah or Jehoaddah

2021-10-21 09:03:54 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jarah
  • Father: Ahaz
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:42 => Jarah
    1 Chronicles 8:36 =>Jehoaddah
2021-10-21 09:03:32 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ahaz
  • Father: Micah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:41
2021-10-21 09:02:28 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Tahrea or Tarea
  • Father: Micah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:41 => Tahrea
    1 Chronicles 8:35 => Tarea
2021-10-21 09:01:57 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Melech
  • Father: Micah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:41
2021-10-21 09:00:52 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Pithon
  • Father: Micah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:41
2021-10-21 09:00:32 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Micah
  • Father: Merib-Baal or Mephib
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:40
2021-10-21 09:00:03 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Merib-Baal or Mephibosheth
  • Father: Jonathan
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:40 => Merib-Baal
    2 Samuel 4:4 => Mephibosheth
2021-10-21 08:59:27 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shimeam
  • Father: Mikloth
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:38
2021-10-21 08:56:56 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Mikloth
  • Father: Jeiel
  • Mother: Maacah
  • Gender: M
  • Birth order: 10
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:37
2021-10-21 08:56:24 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zechariah
  • Father: Jeiel
  • Mother: Maacah
  • Gender: M
  • Birth order: 9
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:37
2021-10-21 08:55:44 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ahio
  • Father: Jeiel
  • Mother: Maacah
  • Gender: M
  • Birth order: 8
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:37
2021-10-21 08:55:03 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Gedor
  • Father: Jeiel
  • Mother: Maacah
  • Gender: M
  • Birth order: 7
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:37
2021-10-21 08:54:34 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Nadab
  • Father: Jeiel
  • Mother: Maacah
  • Gender: M
  • Birth order: 6
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:36
2021-10-21 08:54:06 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Change Kish's mother from: to: Maacah

2021-10-21 08:53:05 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Change Baal's father from: Jeiel to: Jeiel
  • Change Baal's mother from: to: Maacah

2021-10-21 08:52:26 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Change Zur's father from: Jeiel to: Jeiel
  • Change Zur's mother from: to: Maacah

2021-10-21 08:51:37 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Change Abdon's father from: Jeiel to: Jeiel
  • Change Abdon's mother from: to: Maacah

2021-10-21 08:51:17 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Birth order from: 0 to: 5

2021-10-21 08:50:14 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Ner to: Jeiel

2021-10-21 08:49:16 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Ner to: Jeiel

2021-10-21 08:48:58 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Ner to: Jeiel

2021-10-21 08:48:21 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Ner to: Jeiel

2021-10-21 08:47:44 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Baal
  • Father: Ner
  • Gender: M
  • Birth order: 4
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:36
2021-10-21 08:46:38 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Kish
  • Father: Ner
  • Gender: M
  • Birth order: 3
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:36
2021-10-21 08:46:12 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zur
  • Father: Ner
  • Gender: M
  • Birth order: 2
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:36
2021-10-21 08:45:47 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Abdon
  • Father: Ner
  • Gender: M
  • Birth order: 1
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:36
2021-10-21 08:45:19 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Maacah
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:35-36
2021-10-21 08:44:47 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Ner's mother from: to: Maacah

2021-10-21 08:44:47 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jeiel
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:35-36
2021-10-21 08:44:02 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Ner's father from: to: Jeiel

2021-10-21 08:44:02 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ner
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:39
2021-10-21 08:42:10 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Kish's father from: to: Ner

2021-10-21 08:42:10 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Esh-Baal or Ishbosheth
  • Father: Saul (King)
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:39 => Esh-Baal
    2 Samuel 2:8 => Isbosheth
2021-10-21 08:40:48 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Abinadab
  • Father: Saul (King)
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:39
2021-10-21 08:38:25 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Malchisua
  • Father: Saul (King)
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:39
2021-10-21 08:38:01 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jonathan
  • Father: Saul (King)
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:39
2021-10-21 08:37:39 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Kish
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:39
2021-10-21 08:37:07 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Saul (King)'s father from: to: Kish

2021-10-21 08:37:07 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Saul (King)
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 9:39
2021-10-21 08:36:16 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:

  • to:
    Benjamin's descendants were listed primarily in 4 places and I was not able to combine them into a cohesive tree. So I primarily used the first reference which was Genesis 46:21. The others were Num 26:38-41, 1Ch 7:6-12, 1Ch 8:1-40.

2021-10-20 09:06:49 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ishiah
  • Father: Izrahiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:3
2021-10-18 09:13:08 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Joel
  • Father: Izrahiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:3
2021-10-18 09:12:33 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Obadiah
  • Father: Izrahiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:3
2021-10-18 09:12:15 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Michael
  • Father: Izrahiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:3
2021-10-18 09:11:51 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Izrahiah
  • Father: Uzzi
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:3
2021-10-18 09:11:09 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shemuel
  • Father: Tola
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:2
2021-10-18 09:10:22 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jibsam
  • Father: Tola
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:2
2021-10-18 09:10:02 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jahmai
  • Father: Tola
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:2
2021-10-18 09:07:26 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jeriel
  • Father: Tola
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:2
2021-10-18 09:07:08 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Rephaiah
  • Father: Tola
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:2
2021-10-18 09:06:52 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Uzzi
  • Father: Tola
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 7:2
2021-10-18 09:06:27 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Iob to: Job or Jashub
  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 46:13
    Genesis 46:13 => Job
    1 Chronicles 7:1 => Jashub

2021-10-18 09:05:31 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Puvvah to: Puvah or Puah
  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 46:13
    Genesis 46:13 => Puvah
    1 Chronicles 7:1 => Puah

2021-10-18 09:04:07 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Ahitub to: Zadok

2021-10-18 08:57:45 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zadok
  • Father: Ahitub
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:8
2021-10-18 08:56:33 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Ahimaz to: Ahimaaz

2021-10-18 08:55:22 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ethan
  • Father: Kishi
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:44
2021-10-18 08:52:30 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Kishi
  • Father: Abdi
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:44
2021-10-18 08:52:11 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Abdi
  • Father: Malluch
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:44
2021-10-18 08:51:28 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Malluch
  • Father: Hashabiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:44
2021-10-18 08:51:03 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Hashabiah
  • Father: Amaziah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:45
2021-10-18 08:50:39 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Amaziah
  • Father: Hilkiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:45
2021-10-18 08:50:11 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Hilkiah
  • Father: Amzi
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:45
2021-10-18 08:49:39 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Amzi
  • Father: Bani
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:46
2021-10-18 08:49:14 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Bani
  • Father: Shamer
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:46
2021-10-18 08:48:50 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shamer
  • Father: Mahli
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:46
2021-10-18 08:48:25 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Mahli
  • Father: Mushi
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:47
2021-10-18 08:47:43 Webmaster[1]
Person [756] "asaph2" is being deleted
  • First: asaph2
  • Father: 755
2021-10-18 08:42:01 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Last name from: asaph2 to:
  • First name from: to: asaph2

2021-10-18 08:41:36 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • Last name: asaph2
  • Father: Asaph
2021-10-18 08:40:58 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Asaph
  • Father: Berachiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:39
    I believe this Asaph to be the one mentioned many times in the book of Psalms
2021-10-17 10:56:57 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Berachiah
  • Father: Shimea
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:39
2021-10-17 10:56:11 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shimea
  • Father: Michael
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:39
2021-10-17 10:55:47 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Michael
  • Father: Baaseiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:40
2021-10-17 10:55:17 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Baaseiah
  • Father: Malchijah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:40
2021-10-17 10:54:51 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Malchijah
  • Father: Jeatherai or Ethni
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:40
2021-10-17 10:54:16 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Izhar to: Izhar or Amminadab
  • Biography from:
  • Exodus 6:18
    Called Amminadab in 1 Chronicles 6:22
    Exodus 6:18 => Izhar
    1 Chronicles 6:22 => Amminadab
    I don't know what to say about these different names.

2021-10-17 10:51:26 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Jeatherai to: Jeatherai or Ethni
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 6:21
    1 Chronicles 6:21 => Jeatherai
    1 Chronicles 6:41 => Ethni
    Don't know what to say about these different names.

2021-10-17 10:48:59 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Iddo to: Iddo or Adaiah
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 6:21
    1 Chronicles 6:21 => Iddo
    1 Chronicles 6:41 => Adaiah
    I don't know what to say about these different names.

2021-10-17 10:47:35 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Joah to: Joah or Ethan
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 6:21
    1 Chronicles 6:21 => Joah
    1 Chronicles 6:42 => Ethan
    I don't know what to say about these names being different.

2021-10-17 10:46:08 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Zimmah to: Zimmah or Shimei
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 6:20
    1 Chronicles 6:20 => Zimmah
    1 Chronicles 6:42 => Shimei

2021-10-17 10:44:28 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 6:33
    1 Chronicles 6:33
    Heman and his father Samuel were contemporaries of King David. Generation wise, he appears much farther down the timeline. This can be explained a couple ways:
    - Fathers bore children at a younger age than in David's ancestry
    - In David's ancestry, some names are missing, possibly during the time of the judges

2021-10-17 10:36:03 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Assir
  • Father: Korah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Exodus 6:24
2021-10-17 10:32:24 Webmaster[1]
Person [405] "Abiasaph" is being deleted
  • First: Abiasaph
  • Gender: M
  • Father: 392
  • BirthOrder: 2
  • Biography: Exodus 6:24
2021-10-17 10:30:42 Webmaster[1]
Person [711] "Assir" is being deleted
  • First: Assir
  • Gender: M
  • Father: 405
  • Biography: 1 Chronicles 6:37
2021-10-17 10:30:21 Webmaster[1]
Person [712] "Tahath" is being deleted
  • First: Tahath
  • Gender: M
  • Father: 711
  • Biography: 1 Chronicles 6:24
2021-10-17 10:30:04 Webmaster[1]
Person [713] "Uriel" is being deleted
  • First: Uriel
  • Gender: M
  • Father: 712
  • Biography: 1 Chronicles 6:24
2021-10-17 10:29:21 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 6:36
    1 Chronicles 6:36 => Zephaniah
    1 Chronicles 6:24 => Uriel

2021-10-17 10:28:56 Webmaster[1]
Person [714] "Uzziah" is being deleted
  • First: Uzziah
  • Gender: M
  • Father: 713
  • Biography: 1 Chronicles 6:24
2021-10-17 10:24:48 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Azariah to: Azariah or Uzziah
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 6:36
    1 Chronicles 6:36 => Azariah
    1 Chronicles 6:24 => Uzziah

2021-10-17 10:24:21 Webmaster[1]
Person [715] "Shaul" is being deleted
  • First: Shaul
  • Gender: M
  • Father: 714
  • Biography: 1 Chronicles 6:24
2021-10-17 10:22:44 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Joel to: Joel or Shaul
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 6:36
    1 Chronicles 6:36 => Joel
    1 Chronicles 6:24 => Shaul

2021-10-17 10:22:12 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Change Abiasaph or Ebiasaph's father from: to: Korah

2021-10-17 10:19:38 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Abiasaph or Ebiasaph
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:37 => Ebiasaph
    Exodus 6:24 => Abiasaph
2021-10-17 10:18:23 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Assir's father from: to: Abiasaph or Ebiasaph

2021-10-17 10:18:23 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Assir
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:37
2021-10-17 10:16:39 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Tahath's father from: to: Assir

2021-10-17 10:16:39 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Tahath
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:37
2021-10-17 10:16:06 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Zephaniah's father from: to: Tahath

2021-10-17 10:16:05 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zephaniah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:36
2021-10-17 10:15:42 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Azariah's father from: to: Zephaniah

2021-10-17 10:15:42 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 6:35
    1 Chronicles 6:36

2021-10-17 10:15:13 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Azariah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:36
2021-10-17 10:14:57 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Joel's father from: to: Azariah

2021-10-17 10:14:57 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Joel
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:35
2021-10-17 10:14:30 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Elkanah's father from: to: Joel

2021-10-17 10:14:30 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Elkanah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:35
2021-10-17 10:13:55 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Zuph's father from: to: Elkanah

2021-10-17 10:13:55 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 6:35
    1 Samuel 1:1
    1 Chronicles 6:35
    1 Samuel 1:1 From the land of Ephraim, but in 1 Chronicles, we can see that he was a descendant of Levi

2021-10-17 10:09:23 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zuph
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:35
    1 Samuel 1:1
2021-10-17 10:08:16 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Toah or Tohu's father from: to: Zuph

2021-10-17 10:08:16 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Elkanah father of Sa to: Elkanah

2021-10-17 10:06:46 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Elkanah father of Sa to: Elkanah father of Samuel

2021-10-17 10:05:15 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Elkanah to: Elkanah father of Samuel

2021-10-17 10:02:21 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Toah or Tohu
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:34 => Toah
    1 Samuel 1:1 => Tohu
2021-10-17 10:00:50 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Elial or Elihu's father from: to: Toah or Tohu

2021-10-17 10:00:50 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Elial or Elihu
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:34 => Eliel
    1 Samuel 1:1 => Elihu
2021-10-17 09:59:23 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Jeroham's father from: to: Elial or Elihu

2021-10-17 09:59:23 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Eliab to:

2021-10-17 09:58:02 Webmaster[1]
Person [403] "Assir" is being deleted
  • First: Assir
  • Gender: M
  • Father: 392
  • BirthOrder: 2
  • Biography: Exodus 6:24
2021-10-16 10:39:36 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Ebaiasaph to: Abiasaph
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 6:23
    1 Chronicles 6:37

2021-10-16 10:31:05 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Heman
  • Father: Joel
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:33
2021-10-16 10:24:44 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Abijah
  • Father: Samuel
  • Gender: M
  • Birth order: 2
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:28
2021-10-16 10:23:20 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Joel
  • Father: Samuel
  • Gender: M
  • Birth order: 1
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:28
2021-10-16 10:22:47 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Samuel
  • Father: Elkanah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Samuel 1:20
    1 Chronicles 6:28
2021-10-16 10:22:03 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Eran
  • Father: Shuthelah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Numbers 26:36
2021-10-16 10:13:52 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Tahan
  • Father: Ephraim
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Numbers 26:35
2021-10-16 10:13:20 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Becher
  • Father: Ephraim
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Numbers 26:35
2021-10-16 10:13:00 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shuthelah
  • Father: Ephraim
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Numbers 26:35
2021-10-16 10:12:31 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Naaman
  • Father: Bela
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Numbers 26:40
2021-10-16 10:11:26 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ard
  • Father: Bela
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Numbers 26:40
2021-10-16 10:10:56 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Asaiah
  • Father: Haggiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:30
2021-10-16 10:04:13 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Haggiah
  • Father: Shimea
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:30
2021-10-16 10:03:42 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shimea
  • Father: Uzzah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:30
2021-10-16 10:03:13 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Uzzah
  • Father: Shimei
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:29
2021-10-16 10:02:48 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shimei
  • Father: Libni
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:29
2021-10-16 10:02:21 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Libni
  • Father: Mahli
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:29
2021-10-16 10:01:54 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Elkanah
  • Father: Jeroham
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:27
2021-10-16 10:00:25 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jeroham
  • Father: Eliab
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:27
2021-10-16 09:59:46 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Eliab
  • Father: Nahath
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:27
2021-10-16 09:59:18 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Nahath
  • Father: Zophai
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:26
2021-10-16 09:58:27 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zophai
  • Father: Elkanah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:26
2021-10-16 09:51:39 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ahimoth
  • Father: Elkanah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:25
2021-10-16 09:51:02 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Amasai
  • Father: Elkanah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:25
2021-10-16 09:50:22 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shaul
  • Father: Uzziah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:24
2021-10-16 09:46:54 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Uzziah
  • Father: Uriel
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:24
2021-10-16 09:46:26 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Uriel
  • Father: Tahath
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:24
2021-10-16 09:46:00 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Tahath
  • Father: Assir
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:24
2021-10-16 09:45:30 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Assir
  • Father: Ebaiasaph
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:23
2021-10-16 09:45:08 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ebaiasaph
  • Father: Elkanah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:23
2021-10-16 09:44:39 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Exodus 6:18
    Exodus 6:18
    Called Amminadab in 1 Chronicles 6:22

2021-10-16 09:43:57 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jeatherai
  • Father: Zerah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:21
2021-10-16 09:42:40 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zerah
  • Father: Iddo
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:21
2021-10-16 09:42:02 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Iddo
  • Father: Joah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:21
2021-10-16 09:41:36 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Joah
  • Father: Zimmah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:21
2021-10-16 09:41:12 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zimmah
  • Father: Jahath
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:20
2021-10-16 09:40:36 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jahath
  • Father: Libni
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:20
2021-10-16 09:40:00 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jehozadak
  • Father: Seraiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:14
    He was apparently High Priest when Judah was taking into captivity to Babylon
2021-10-15 09:51:07 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Seraiah
  • Father: Azariah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:14
2021-10-15 09:49:26 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Azariah
  • Father: Hilkiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:13
2021-10-15 09:48:54 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Hilkiah
  • Father: Shallum
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:13
2021-10-15 09:48:28 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shallum
  • Father: Zadok
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:12
2021-10-15 09:48:04 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zadok
  • Father: Ahitub
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:12
2021-10-15 09:47:38 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ahitub
  • Father: Amaria
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:11
2021-10-15 09:47:11 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Amaria
  • Father: Azariah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:11
2021-10-15 09:46:47 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Azariah
  • Father: Johanan
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:10
    Her served in the temple that Solomon built
2021-10-15 09:46:03 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Johanan
  • Father: Azariah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:9
2021-10-15 09:45:07 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Azariah
  • Father: Ahimaz
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:9
2021-10-15 09:44:33 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ahimaz
  • Father: Ahitub
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:8
2021-10-15 09:44:00 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Ahitub
  • Father: Amariah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:7
2021-10-15 09:43:31 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Amariah
  • Father: Meraioth
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:7
2021-10-15 09:43:00 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Meraioth
  • Father: Zerahiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:6
2021-10-15 09:42:26 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zerahiah
  • Father: Uzzi
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:6
2021-10-15 09:41:45 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Uzzi
  • Father: Bukki
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:5
2021-10-15 09:41:05 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Bukki
  • Father: Abishua
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:5
2021-10-15 09:40:40 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Abishua
  • Father: Phinehas
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:4
2021-10-15 09:39:58 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shimei
  • Father: Zacchur
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 4:26
2021-10-15 09:28:06 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zacchur
  • Father: Hamuel
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 4:26
2021-10-15 09:27:22 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Hamuel
  • Father: Mishma
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 4:26
2021-10-15 09:26:38 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Mishma
  • Father: Mibsam
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 4:25
2021-10-15 09:25:31 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Mibsam
  • Father: Shallum
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 4:25
2021-10-15 09:25:12 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shallum
  • Father: Shaul
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 4:25
2021-10-15 09:24:43 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 46:10
    Genesis 46:10
    Nemuel 1 Chronicles 4:24

2021-10-15 09:22:40 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Mareshah
  • Father: Laadah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 4:21
2021-10-15 09:13:33 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Lecah
  • Father: Er
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 4:21
2021-10-15 09:12:53 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Laadah
  • Father: Shelah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 4:21
2021-10-15 09:12:29 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Er
  • Father: Shelah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 4:21
2021-10-15 09:12:03 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Change Zedekiah's mother from: to: Hamutal

2021-10-13 09:36:31 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:15
    1 Chronicles 3:15
    Originally named Mattaniah [2 Kings 24:17]

2021-10-13 09:35:47 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Elnathan
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Kings 24:8
2021-10-13 09:32:16 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Nehushta's father from: to: Elnathan

2021-10-13 09:32:16 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Nehushta
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 2 Kings 24:8
2021-10-13 09:31:49 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Jehoiachin's mother from: to: Nehushta

2021-10-13 09:31:49 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jehoiachin
  • Father: Jehoiakim
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Kings 24:6
2021-10-13 09:30:19 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Pedaiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Kings 23:36
2021-10-13 09:27:29 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Zebudah's father from: to: Pedaiah

2021-10-13 09:27:29 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zebudah
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 2 Kings 23:36
2021-10-13 09:27:05 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Jehoiakim's mother from: to: Zebudah

2021-10-13 09:27:05 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 3:15
    1 Chronicles 3:15
    Originally named Eliakim [2 Kings 23:34]

2021-10-13 09:25:50 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jeremiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Kings 23:31
2021-10-13 09:22:50 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Hamutal's father from: to: Jeremiah

2021-10-13 09:22:50 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Hamutal
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 2 Kings 23:31
2021-10-13 09:22:18 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Jehoahaz's mother from: to: Hamutal

2021-10-13 09:22:18 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jehoahaz
  • Father: Josiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Kings 23:30
2021-10-13 09:21:34 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Adaiah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Kings 22:1
2021-10-13 09:06:34 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Jedidiah's father from: to: Adaiah

2021-10-13 09:06:34 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jedidiah
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 2 Kings 22:1
2021-10-13 09:06:05 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Josiah's mother from: to: Jedidiah

2021-10-13 09:06:05 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Haruz
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Kings 21:19
2021-10-13 09:03:46 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Meshullemeth's father from: to: Haruz

2021-10-13 09:03:46 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Meshullemeth
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 2 Kings 21:19
2021-10-13 09:03:18 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Amon's mother from: to: Meshullemeth

2021-10-13 09:03:18 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Hephzibah
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 1 Kings 21:1
2021-10-13 08:59:23 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Manasseh's mother from: to: Hephzibah

2021-10-13 08:59:23 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zechariah
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Kings 18:2
2021-10-12 09:06:24 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Abi's father from: to: Zechariah

2021-10-12 09:06:24 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Abi
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 2 Kings 18:2
2021-10-12 09:05:43 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Hezekiah's mother from: to: Abi

2021-10-12 09:05:43 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zadok
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Kings 15:33
2021-10-12 08:51:49 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Jerusha's father from: to: Zadok

2021-10-12 08:51:49 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jerusha
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 2 Kings 15:33
2021-10-12 08:50:48 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Jotham's mother from: to: Jerusha

2021-10-12 08:50:48 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jecholiah
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 2 Kings 15:2
2021-10-12 08:44:21 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Azariah's mother from: to: Jecholiah

2021-10-12 08:44:21 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jehoaddan
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 2 Kings 14:2
2021-10-12 08:37:40 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Amaziah's mother from: to: Jehoaddan

2021-10-12 08:37:40 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zibiah
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 2 Kings 12:1
2021-10-12 08:23:49 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Joash's mother from: to: Zibiah

2021-10-12 08:23:49 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jehosheba
  • Father: Joram
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 2 Kings 11:2
2021-10-11 09:10:32 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Athaliah
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 2 Kings 8:26
2021-10-11 08:45:34 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Ahaziah's mother from: to: Athaliah

2021-10-11 08:45:34 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Azubah
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 1 Kings 22:42
2021-10-10 11:08:08 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Jehoshaphat's mother from: to: Azubah

2021-10-10 11:08:08 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Maachah
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 1 Kings 15:2
2021-10-09 10:47:59 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Abijah's mother from: to: Maachah

2021-10-09 10:47:59 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Naamah
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: 1 Kings 14:21
    1 Kings 14:31
    2 Chronicles 12:13
2021-10-09 10:46:24 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Rehoboam's mother from: to: Naamah

2021-10-09 10:46:24 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • Last name: Jonathan
  • Father: Shimea
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 2 Samuel 21:21
2021-10-07 09:53:08 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Tirzah
  • Father: Zelophehad
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: Num 26:33
2021-09-21 09:56:33 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Milcah
  • Father: Zelophehad
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: Num 26:33
2021-09-21 09:56:15 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Hoglah
  • Father: Zelophehad
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: Num 26:33
2021-09-21 09:55:57 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Noah
  • Father: Zelophehad
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: Num 26:33
2021-09-21 09:55:24 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Mahlah
  • Father: Zelophehad
  • Gender: F
  • Bio: Num 26:33
2021-09-21 09:55:01 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Zelophehad
  • Father: Hepher
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Num 26:33
2021-09-21 09:54:25 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Hepher
  • Father: Gilead
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Num 26:32
2021-09-21 09:53:35 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shemida
  • Father: Gilead
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Num 26:32
2021-09-21 09:52:58 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Shechem
  • Father: Gilead
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Num 26:31
2021-09-21 09:52:27 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Asriel
  • Father: Gilead
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Num 26:31
2021-09-21 09:51:44 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Jeezer
  • Father: Gilead
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Num 26:30
2021-09-21 09:50:59 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Gilead
  • Father: Machir
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Num 26:29
2021-09-21 09:49:52 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Abiram
  • Father: Eliab
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Num 26:9
2021-09-21 09:43:48 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:

  • to:
    Num 26:9

2021-09-21 09:43:04 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Dathan
  • Father: Eliab
  • Gender: M
2021-09-21 09:42:45 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Nemuel
  • Father: Eliab
  • Gender: M
2021-09-21 09:42:21 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Eliab
  • Father: Palu
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Num 26:8
2021-09-21 09:41:48 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: to: Anah
  • Mother from: Anah to:

2021-09-09 11:26:49 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Gender from: F to: M

2021-09-09 11:25:45 Webmaster[1]
Person [324] "Korah" is being deleted
  • First: Korah
  • Gender: M
  • Father: 280
  • Biography: Genesis 36:16
2021-09-08 09:46:42 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Last name from: to: the Hivite

2021-09-08 09:40:39 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Last name from: Elon the Hittite to: the Hittite
  • First name from: to: Elon

2021-09-08 09:29:32 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Father from: Anah to:
  • Mother from: to: Anah

2021-09-07 16:56:04 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Gender from: M to: F

2021-09-07 16:54:47 Webmaster[1]
New record created including the following fields:
  • Last name: Elon the Hittite
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: Genesis 36:2
2021-09-07 16:50:58 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Adah's father from: to: Mr. Elon the Hittite

2021-09-07 16:50:58 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 36:10
    Daughter of Ismael: Genesis 36:3
    Wife of Esau and mother of Reuel: Genesis 36:10

2021-09-07 16:49:10 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Change Basemath's father from: to: Ismael

2021-09-07 16:46:38 Webmaster[1]
Associated file changes:

  • Deleted file:  ./242/09-2.jpg | Caption:

2016-09-09 22:48:50 Webmaster[1]
Associated file changes:

  • File added:  09-2.jpg

2016-09-09 22:48:33 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Eve is the mother of the entire human race. She was not the first human being to exist however. God made her from a rib taken from Adam [Genesis 2:22]. For more information, see the story of Adam and Eve in the family tab.
    Eve is the mother of the entire human race. She was not the first human being to exist however. God made her from a rib taken from Adam [Genesis 2:22]. For more information, see the story of Adam and Eve in the family tab.

    Eve was mentioned a couples times in the New Testament. Paul said that as the serpent was able to deceive Eve, so also we could be led astray [2 Corinthians 11:3]. She is also named with Adam as being the second to be created [1 Timothy 2:13].

2016-07-21 02:15:19 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Adam was created by God on the 6th day of creation [Genesis 1:27]. He was the first human being and the father of our race. He was created in God's image and was perfect, but he was one of a kind, before God create a female. In the beginning, I believe Adam spoke to God face to face. When he became aware of his surroundings, God told him that he should have dominion over the whole earth and subdue it. He was also given every plant yielding seed, and every fruit bearing seed as food [Genesis 1:29]. Adam gave names to every animal and bird, and saw that they were in pairs, but noticed that he was alone [Genesis 2:20]. Then God put him to sleep and performed the first surgery, removing a rib, and with the rib made the first woman [Genesis 2:22]. Adam and Eve were joined as husband and wife and became as one flesh [Genesis 2:24].

    Adam lived to an age of 930 years [Genesis 5:5] but would not the be longest known living human being.

    Adam was mentioned by Job [Job 31:33] and Hosea [Hosea 6:7] in relation to his sin. He was also mentioned several times in the New Testament, the first being in Luke's genealogy [Luke 3:38]. Paul mentioned his name several times, with the first two being named as the reason we all die [Romans 5:14, 1 Corinthians 15:22]. He was also said to be a type of Christ [Romans 5:14], or said another way, Jesus is the second Adam who brought life [1 Corinthians 15:45], as opposed to the death brought by the first Adam [1 Corinthians 15:22]. Adam and Eve were both mentioned in Titus 2:13-14. And finally Jude talks about Enoch as being the seventh generation from Adam [Jude 1:14].
    Adam was created by God on the 6th day of creation [Genesis 1:27]. He was the first human being and the father of our race. He was created in God's image and was perfect, but he was one of a kind, before God create a female. In the beginning, I believe Adam spoke to God face to face. When he became aware of his surroundings, God told him that he should have dominion over the whole earth and subdue it. He was also given every plant yielding seed, and every fruit bearing seed as food [Genesis 1:29]. Adam gave names to every animal and bird, and saw that they were in pairs, but noticed that he was alone [Genesis 2:20]. Then God put him to sleep and performed the first surgery, removing a rib, and with the rib made the first woman [Genesis 2:22]. Adam and Eve were joined as husband and wife and became as one flesh [Genesis 2:24].

    Adam lived to an age of 930 years [Genesis 5:5] but would not the be longest known living human being.

    Adam was mentioned by Job [Job 31:33] and Hosea [Hosea 6:7] in relation to his sin. He was also mentioned several times in the New Testament, the first being in Luke's genealogy [Luke 3:38]. Paul mentioned his name several times, with the first two being named as the reason we all die [Romans 5:14, 1 Corinthians 15:22]. He was also said to be a type of Christ [Romans 5:14], or said another way, Jesus is the second Adam who brought life [1 Corinthians 15:45], as opposed to the death brought by the first Adam [1 Corinthians 15:22]. Adam and Eve were both mentioned in 1 Timothy 2:13-14. And finally Jude talks about Enoch as being the seventh generation from Adam [Jude 1:14].

2016-07-21 02:11:10 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Adam was created by God on the 6th day of creation [Genesis 1:27]. He was the first human being and the father of our race. He was created in God's image and was perfect, but he was one of a kind, before God create a female. In the beginning, I believe Adam spoke to God face to face. When he became aware of his surroundings, God told him that he should have dominion over the whole earth and subdue it. He was also given every plant yielding seed, and every fruit bearing seed as food [Genesis 1:29]. Adam gave names to every animal and bird, and saw that they were in pairs, but noticed that he was alone [Genesis 2:20]. Then God put him to sleep and performed the first surgery, removing a rib, and with the rib made the first woman [Genesis 2:22]. Adam and Eve were joined as husband and wife and became as one flesh [Genesis 2:24].

    Adam lived to an age of 930 years [Genesis 5:5] but would not the be longest known living human being.
    Adam was created by God on the 6th day of creation [Genesis 1:27]. He was the first human being and the father of our race. He was created in God's image and was perfect, but he was one of a kind, before God create a female. In the beginning, I believe Adam spoke to God face to face. When he became aware of his surroundings, God told him that he should have dominion over the whole earth and subdue it. He was also given every plant yielding seed, and every fruit bearing seed as food [Genesis 1:29]. Adam gave names to every animal and bird, and saw that they were in pairs, but noticed that he was alone [Genesis 2:20]. Then God put him to sleep and performed the first surgery, removing a rib, and with the rib made the first woman [Genesis 2:22]. Adam and Eve were joined as husband and wife and became as one flesh [Genesis 2:24].

    Adam lived to an age of 930 years [Genesis 5:5] but would not the be longest known living human being.

    Adam was mentioned by Job [Job 31:33] and Hosea [Hosea 6:7] in relation to his sin. He was also mentioned several times in the New Testament, the first being in Luke's genealogy [Luke 3:38]. Paul mentioned his name several times, with the first two being named as the reason we all die [Romans 5:14, 1 Corinthians 15:22]. He was also said to be a type of Christ [Romans 5:14], or said another way, Jesus is the second Adam who brought life [1 Corinthians 15:45], as opposed to the death brought by the first Adam [1 Corinthians 15:22]. Adam and Eve were both mentioned in Titus 2:13-14. And finally Jude talks about Enoch as being the seventh generation from Adam [Jude 1:14].

2016-07-21 02:10:04 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Abel is the second named son of Adam and Eve [Genesis 4:2]. It also says Abel was a keep of flocks which implies a distinction between wild and domesticated animals. It seems that Abel was a good and obedient son, who obeyed God's commands regarding offerings. When his offering was accepted and his brother Cain's was not, Cain killed him, making him the first human to die. We really don't have any idea how old they were when this altercation took place, but it seems that it happened before they had children of their own.

    Abel was mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 23:35, Luke 11:51 as righteous blood shed. He was mentioned by Paul in the chapter on faith, as offering a better sacrifice than Cain [Hebrews 11:4]. Lastly he was mentioned in Hebrews 12:24, where his blood is contrasted with that of Jesus. I believe this to be a reference to Genesis 4:10 where Abel's blood is calling out to God from the grave (possibly for justice). Whereas as the blood of Jesus offers forgiveness of sins even to those who crucified Him.
    Abel is the second named son of Adam and Eve [Genesis 4:2]. It also says Abel was a keeper of flocks which implies a distinction between wild and domesticated animals. It seems that Abel was a good and obedient son, who obeyed God's commands regarding offerings. When his offering was accepted and his brother Cain's was not, Cain killed him, making him the first human to die. We really don't have any idea how old they were when this altercation took place, but it seems that it happened before they had children of their own.

    Abel was mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 23:35, Luke 11:51 as righteous blood shed. He was mentioned by Paul in the chapter on faith, as offering a better sacrifice than Cain [Hebrews 11:4]. Lastly he was mentioned in Hebrews 12:24, where his blood is contrasted with that of Jesus. I believe this to be a reference to Genesis 4:10 where Abel's blood is calling out to God from the grave (possibly for justice). Whereas as the blood of Jesus offers forgiveness of sins even to those who crucified Him.

2016-07-20 21:01:22 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Abel is the second named son of Adam and Eve [Genesis 4:2]. It says Abel was a keep of flocks.
    Abel is the second named son of Adam and Eve [Genesis 4:2]. It also says Abel was a keep of flocks which implies a distinction between wild and domesticated animals. It seems that Abel was a good and obedient son, who obeyed God's commands regarding offerings. When his offering was accepted and his brother Cain's was not, Cain killed him, making him the first human to die. We really don't have any idea how old they were when this altercation took place, but it seems that it happened before they had children of their own.

    Abel was mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 23:35, Luke 11:51 as righteous blood shed. He was mentioned by Paul in the chapter on faith, as offering a better sacrifice than Cain [Hebrews 11:4]. Lastly he was mentioned in Hebrews 12:24, where his blood is contrasted with that of Jesus. I believe this to be a reference to Genesis 4:10 where Abel's blood is calling out to God from the grave (possibly for justice). Whereas as the blood of Jesus offers forgiveness of sins even to those who crucified Him.

2016-07-20 18:27:38 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Abel is the second named son of Adam and Eve [Genesis 4:2].
    Abel is the second named son of Adam and Eve [Genesis 4:2]. It says Abel was a keep of flocks.

2016-07-20 18:11:40 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:

  • to:
    Abel is the second named son of Adam and Eve [Genesis 4:2].

2016-07-20 18:07:27 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Adah, is the first woman mentioned after Eve in the Bible. We no nothing of her parents, and only that she married Lamech a fifth generation descendant of Cain [Genesis 4:19].
    Adah, is the first woman mentioned after Eve in the Bible. We no nothing of her parents, and only that she married Lamech a fifth generation descendant of Cain [Genesis 4:19], and bore two sons [Genesis 4:20,21].

2016-07-20 17:49:06 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 4:19
    We no nothing of Zillah's parents, and only that she is the second wife of Lamech, a fifth generation descendant of Cain [Genesis 4:19], and that she bore two sons [Genesis 4:22].

2016-07-20 17:48:21 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Adah, is the first woman mentioned after Eve in the Bible. We no nothing of her parents, and only that she married Lamech a sixth generation descendant of Cain [Genesis 4:19].
    Adah, is the first woman mentioned after Eve in the Bible. We no nothing of her parents, and only that she married Lamech a fifth generation descendant of Cain [Genesis 4:19].

2016-07-20 17:45:17 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 4:19
    Adah, is the first woman mentioned after Eve in the Bible. We no nothing of her parents, and only that she married Lamech a sixth generation descendant of Cain [Genesis 4:19].

2016-07-20 17:44:25 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 4:22
    Naamah was the great-great-great-great-granddaughter and last generation of Cain's descendants named in the Bible. She is not the first woman mentioned after Eve, but she is the first daughter named in the Bible [Genesis 4:22].

2016-07-20 17:40:32 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • forger of all implements of bronze and iron: Genesis 4:22
    Tubal-Cain was the great-great-great-great-grandson and last generation of Cain's descendants named in the Bible. It was said that he was the first forger of all implements of bronze and iron [Genesis 4:22].

2016-07-20 17:36:41 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • the father of all who play the lyre and harp: Genesis 4:21
    Jubal was the great-great-great-great-grandson and last generation of Cain's descendants named in the Bible. It was said that he was the first of all who play the lyre and harp [Genesis 4:21].

2016-07-20 17:29:19 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Father of those who dwell in tents: Genesis 4:20
    Jabal was the great-great-great-great-grandson and last generation of Cain's descendants named in the Bible. It was said that he was first of all who dwell in tents and have livestock [Genesis 4:20].

2016-07-20 17:26:56 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 4:18
    Genesis 4:23 - Lamech killed a man for striking him
    Lamech is the only named son of Methusahel and is the great-great-great-grandson of Cain [Genesis 4:18]. It is interesting that there is as much information on this descendant of Cain in the Bible. Although probably not the first, he is the first person who was said to have more than one wife in the Bible [Gensis 4:19].

    Lamech boasted to his wives of killed a man for striking him and then sacrilegiously claimed ten times the protection God gave Cain after he killed Abel [Genesis 4:24].

2016-07-20 17:24:04 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Mehujael is the only named son of Irad, and is the great-grand-son of Cain [Genesis 4:18].
    Mehujael is the only named son of Irad, and is the great-grandson of Cain [Genesis 4:18].

2016-07-20 17:11:28 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 4:18
    Methushael is the only named son of Mehujael and is the great-great-grandson of Cain [Genesis 4:18].

2016-07-20 17:11:14 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 4:18
    Mehujael is the only named son of Irad, and is the great-grand-son of Cain [Genesis 4:18].

2016-07-20 17:10:08 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 4:18
    Irad is the only named son of Enoch, son of Cain [Genesis 4:18].

2016-07-20 17:08:39 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Genesis 4:17
    Enoch was the first born son of Cain [Genesis 4:17]. No ages or years are given for Cain's descendants so we don't know their timeline relative to the son's of Seth.

2016-07-20 17:07:36 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Cain was the first human being born [Genesis 4:1] on the earth. He is most known as being the first murderer for killing his brother Abel [Genesis 4:8]. The story is told how they both decided to make offerings to God, and Abel brought a lamb from his flocks, but since Cain was a farmer, he brought some of his produce. When Abel's offering was accepted and his was not, he became angry. Later he attacked his brother in the field and killed him. God spoke to Cain and asked where is brother was. Can responded with the famous, "I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?" His punishment was that the ground would no longer produce for him and he would be a wanderer on the earth. God gave him a sign, so that anyone who might try to kill him would know that they would be cursed seven times more than Cain, if they did kill him. He later settled in Nod east of Eden [Genesis 4:1-16].
    Cain was the first human being born [Genesis 4:1] on the earth. He is most known as being the first murderer for killing his brother Abel [Genesis 4:8]. The story is told how they both decided to make offerings to God, and Abel brought a lamb from his flocks, but since Cain was a farmer, he brought some of his produce. When Abel's offering was accepted and his was not, he became angry. Later he attacked his brother in the field and killed him. God spoke to Cain and asked where is brother was. Can responded with the famous, "I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?" His punishment was that the ground would no longer produce for him and he would be a wanderer on the earth. God gave him a sign, so that anyone who might try to kill him would know that they would be cursed seven times more than Cain, if they did kill him. He later settled in Nod east of Eden [Genesis 4:1-16].

    Cain's descendants are named to the sixth generation [Genesis 4:17-22].

2016-07-20 17:05:00 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Cain was the first human being born. Genesis 4:1
    He was the first murderer. Genesis 4:8
    He later settled in Nod east of Eden. Genesis 4:16
    His descendants:
    Genesis 4:17-
    Cain was the first human being born [Genesis 4:1] on the earth. He is most known as being the first murderer for killing his brother Abel [Genesis 4:8]. The story is told how they both decided to make offerings to God, and Abel brought a lamb from his flocks, but since Cain was a farmer, he brought some of his produce. When Abel's offering was accepted and his was not, he became angry. Later he attacked his brother in the field and killed him. God spoke to Cain and asked where is brother was. Can responded with the famous, "I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?" His punishment was that the ground would no longer produce for him and he would be a wanderer on the earth. God gave him a sign, so that anyone who might try to kill him would know that they would be cursed seven times more than Cain, if they did kill him. He later settled in Nod east of Eden [Genesis 4:1-16].

2016-07-20 17:03:21 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:

  • to:
    Eve is the mother of the entire human race. She was not the first human being to exist however. God made her from a rib taken from Adam [Genesis 2:22]. For more information, see the story of Adam and Eve in the family tab.

2016-07-20 16:50:17 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Adam was created by God on the 6th day of creation [Genesis 1:27]. He was the first human being and the father of our race. He was created in God's image and was perfect, but he was one of a kind, before God create a female. In the beginning, I believe Adam spoke to God face to face. When he became aware of his surroundings, God told him that he should have dominion over the whole earth and subdue it. He was also given every plant yielding seed, and every fruit bearing seed as food [Genesis 1:29]. Adam gave names to every animal and bird, and saw that they were in pairs, but noticed that he was alone [Genesis 2:20]. Then God put him to sleep and performed the first surgery, removing a rib, and with the rib made the first woman [Genesis 2:22]. Adam and Eve were joined as husband and wife and became as one flesh [Genesis 2:24].

    The Bible doesn't say how long Adam and Eve lived in perfection in the garden of Eden. Genesis 3 tells the story of how the serpent, apparently under the influence of the Devil tempted Eve to disobey God. When she agreed, she convinced Adam to join her in rebellion. Once they had disobeyed God, they started noticing changes in the bodies. For one, they realized they were naked and were ashamed of it, so they tried to cover their bodies [Genesis 3:7]. Because of their sin, they were kicked out of the perfect Garden of Eden, and would be denied access to the tree of life, resulting in their loss of immortality [Genesis 3:22]. Also because of sin, the earth was cursed and would grow thorns and thistles, and they had to start eating the plants of the field [Genesis 3:18]. Adan was told he would have to work hard to survive and would eventually return to dust after he died [Genesis 3:19].

    Only three of Adam and Eve's sons were mentioned by name, Cain, Abel and Seth. Obviously there had to have been other sons and daughters [Genesis 5:4]. Seth was born when Adam was 130 years old [Genesis 5:3]. Adam lived 800 years more, and died at an age of 930 years [Genesis 5:5].
    Adam was created by God on the 6th day of creation [Genesis 1:27]. He was the first human being and the father of our race. He was created in God's image and was perfect, but he was one of a kind, before God create a female. In the beginning, I believe Adam spoke to God face to face. When he became aware of his surroundings, God told him that he should have dominion over the whole earth and subdue it. He was also given every plant yielding seed, and every fruit bearing seed as food [Genesis 1:29]. Adam gave names to every animal and bird, and saw that they were in pairs, but noticed that he was alone [Genesis 2:20]. Then God put him to sleep and performed the first surgery, removing a rib, and with the rib made the first woman [Genesis 2:22]. Adam and Eve were joined as husband and wife and became as one flesh [Genesis 2:24].

    Adam lived to an age of 930 years [Genesis 5:5] but would not the be longest known living human being.

2016-07-20 16:38:18 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Story from:

  • to:
    The Bible doesn't say how long Adam and Eve lived in perfection in the garden of Eden. Genesis 3 tells the story of how the serpent, apparently under the influence of the Devil tempted Eve to disobey God. When she agreed, she convinced Adam to join her in rebellion. Once they had disobeyed God, they started noticing changes in the bodies. For one, they realized they were naked and were ashamed of it, so they tried to cover their bodies [Genesis 3:7]. Because of their sin, they were kicked out of the perfect Garden of Eden, and would be denied access to the tree of life, resulting in their loss of immortality [Genesis 3:22]. Also because of sin, the earth was cursed and would grow thorns and thistles, and they had to start eating the plants of the field [Genesis 3:18]. Adan was told he would have to work hard to survive and would eventually return to dust after he died [Genesis 3:19].

    Only three of Adam and Eve's sons were mentioned by name, Cain, Abel and Seth. Obviously there had to have been other sons and daughters [Genesis 5:4]. Seth was born when Adam was 130 years old [Genesis 5:3].

2016-07-20 16:37:11 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Adam was created by God on the 6th day of creation [Genesis 1:27]. He was the first human being and the father of our race. He was created in God's image and was perfect, but he was one of a kind, before God create a female. In the beginning, I believe Adam spoke to God face to face. When he became aware of his surroundings, God told him that he should have dominion over the whole earth and subdue it. He was also given every plant yielding seed, and every fruit bearing seed [Genesis 1:29]. To every beast of the earth and bird of the sky was given every and green plant for food [Genesis 1:30]. Adam gave names to every animal and bird, and saw that they were in pairs, but noticed that he was alone [Genesis 2:20]. Then God put him to sleep and performed the first surgery, removing a rib, and with the rib made the first woman [Genesis 2:22]. Adam and Eve were joined as husband and wife and became as one flesh [Genesis 2:24].

    The Bible doesn't say how long Adam and Eve lived in perfection in the garden of Eden. Genesis 3 tells the story of how the serpent, apparently under the influence of the Devil tempted Eve to disobey God. When she agreed, she convinced Adam to join her in rebellion. Once they had disobeyed God, they started noticing changes in the bodies. For one, they realized they were naked and were ashamed of it, so they tried to cover their bodies [Genesis 3:7]. Because of their sin, they were kicked out of the perfect Garden of Eden, and would be denied access to the tree of life, resulting in their loss of immortality [Genesis 3:22]. Also because of sin, the earth was cursed and would grow thorns and thistles, and they had to start eating the plants of the field [Genesis 3:18]. Adan was told he would have to work hard to survive and would eventually return to dust after he died [Genesis 3:19].

    Only three of Adam and Eve's sons were mentioned by name, Cain, Abel and Seth. Obviously there had to have been other sons and daughters [Genesis 5:4]. Seth was born when Adam was 130 years old [Genesis 5:3]. Adam lived 800 years more, and died at an age of 930 years [Genesis 5:5].
    Adam was created by God on the 6th day of creation [Genesis 1:27]. He was the first human being and the father of our race. He was created in God's image and was perfect, but he was one of a kind, before God create a female. In the beginning, I believe Adam spoke to God face to face. When he became aware of his surroundings, God told him that he should have dominion over the whole earth and subdue it. He was also given every plant yielding seed, and every fruit bearing seed as food [Genesis 1:29]. Adam gave names to every animal and bird, and saw that they were in pairs, but noticed that he was alone [Genesis 2:20]. Then God put him to sleep and performed the first surgery, removing a rib, and with the rib made the first woman [Genesis 2:22]. Adam and Eve were joined as husband and wife and became as one flesh [Genesis 2:24].

    The Bible doesn't say how long Adam and Eve lived in perfection in the garden of Eden. Genesis 3 tells the story of how the serpent, apparently under the influence of the Devil tempted Eve to disobey God. When she agreed, she convinced Adam to join her in rebellion. Once they had disobeyed God, they started noticing changes in the bodies. For one, they realized they were naked and were ashamed of it, so they tried to cover their bodies [Genesis 3:7]. Because of their sin, they were kicked out of the perfect Garden of Eden, and would be denied access to the tree of life, resulting in their loss of immortality [Genesis 3:22]. Also because of sin, the earth was cursed and would grow thorns and thistles, and they had to start eating the plants of the field [Genesis 3:18]. Adan was told he would have to work hard to survive and would eventually return to dust after he died [Genesis 3:19].

    Only three of Adam and Eve's sons were mentioned by name, Cain, Abel and Seth. Obviously there had to have been other sons and daughters [Genesis 5:4]. Seth was born when Adam was 130 years old [Genesis 5:3]. Adam lived 800 years more, and died at an age of 930 years [Genesis 5:5].

2016-07-20 16:36:20 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Lorem's <Ipsum> Is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. http://btlb.org. Lorem's <Ipsum> Is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. http://btlb.org

2016-07-18 16:47:58 Webmaster[1]
Associated file changes:

  • Deleted file:  ./88/IMG_2835.jpg | Caption:

2016-07-18 16:47:42 Webmaster[1]
Associated file changes:

  • Deleted file:  ./88/IMG_2204.JPG | Caption:

2016-07-18 16:47:39 Webmaster[1]
Associated file changes:

  • Deleted file:  ./88/avsmoothness.txt | Caption:

2016-07-18 16:47:36 Webmaster[1]
Associated file changes:

  • Deleted file:  ./88/BO1C8407.jpg | Caption: Family picture

2016-07-18 16:47:33 Webmaster[1]
Associated file changes:

  • Deleted file:  ./88/hillsong tickets.pdf | Caption:

2016-07-18 16:47:29 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • Exodus 6:20

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
    Exodus 6:20

2016-07-18 16:47:08 Webmaster[1]
Associated file changes:

  • Deleted file:  ./389/1964-11-00-ingfamily-048crop.jpg | Caption:

2016-07-18 16:46:50 Webmaster[1]
Associated file changes:

  • Deleted file:  ./389/1961-04-00-ingfamily-030.jpg | Caption: cLARENCE iNG AND HIS PORSCHE

2016-07-18 16:46:46 Webmaster[1]
Associated file changes:

  • Deleted file:  ./389/1966-11-00-ingfamily-014.jpg | Caption: gong gong

2016-07-18 16:46:27 Webmaster[1]
Associated file changes:

  • Deleted file:  ./389/BO1C0200.jpg | Caption: uncle raymond uncle raymond uncle raymond uncle raymond uncle ra uncle raymond uncle raymond uncle raymond uncle raymond uncle ra

2016-07-18 16:46:23 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Story from:
  • Exodus 6:23

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
    Exodus 6:23

2016-07-18 16:45:58 Webmaster[1]
Associated file changes:

  • Deleted file:  ./-34/1974-07-00-ingfamily-235.jpg | Caption:

2016-07-18 16:45:40 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Added birth year: 0
  • Added death year: 930
  • Biography from:

  • to:
    Adam was created by God on the 6th day of creation [Genesis 1:27]. He was the first human being and the father of our race. He was created in God's image and was perfect, but he was one of a kind, before God create a female. In the beginning, I believe Adam spoke to God face to face. When he became aware of his surroundings, God told him that he should have dominion over the whole earth and subdue it. He was also given every plant yielding seed, and every fruit bearing seed [Genesis 1:29]. To every beast of the earth and bird of the sky was given every and green plant for food [Genesis 1:30]. Adam gave names to every animal and bird, and saw that they were in pairs, but noticed that he was alone [Genesis 2:20]. Then God put him to sleep and performed the first surgery, removing a rib, and with the rib made the first woman [Genesis 2:22]. Adam and Eve were joined as husband and wife and became as one flesh [Genesis 2:24].

    The Bible doesn't say how long Adam and Eve lived in perfection in the garden of Eden. Genesis 3 tells the story of how the serpent, apparently under the influence of the Devil tempted Eve to disobey God. When she agreed, she convinced Adam to join her in rebellion. Once they had disobeyed God, they started noticing changes in the bodies. For one, they realized they were naked and were ashamed of it, so they tried to cover their bodies [Genesis 3:7]. Because of their sin, they were kicked out of the perfect Garden of Eden, and would be denied access to the tree of life, resulting in their loss of immortality [Genesis 3:22]. Also because of sin, the earth was cursed and would grow thorns and thistles, and they had to start eating the plants of the field [Genesis 3:18]. Adan was told he would have to work hard to survive and would eventually return to dust after he died [Genesis 3:19].

    Only three of Adam and Eve's sons were mentioned by name, Cain, Abel and Seth. Obviously there had to have been other sons and daughters [Genesis 5:4]. Seth was born when Adam was 130 years old [Genesis 5:3]. Adam lived 800 years more, and died at an age of 930 years [Genesis 5:5].

2016-07-18 16:34:59 Webmaster[1]
Joel or ShaulElkanahZuphToah or TohuElial or ElihuJerohamElkanahSamuelJoelAbijahHemanBukkiahMattaniahUzziel or AzarelShebuel or ShubaelJerimoth or JeremothHananiahHananiEliathGidaltiRomanti-EzerJoshbekashahMallothiHothirMahaziothAzariah or UzziahZephaniahTahathAssirAbiasaph or EbiasaphKorahIzhar or AmminadabKohathLeviJacobLeahIsaacRebekahLabanAbramSaraiBethuelNahorMilcahHaranTerahNahorSerugReuPelegEberShelahArpachshadShemNoahLamechMethuselahEnochJaredMahalalelKenanEnosSethAdamEve

Parent(s): Azariah or Uzziah


1 Chronicles 6:36 => Joel
1 Chronicles 6:24 => Shaul

Show/hide history of changes
Changes Date/Time Author
New record created including the following fields:
  • First name: Joel
  • Gender: M
  • Bio: 1 Chronicles 6:35
2021-10-17 10:14:30 Webmaster[1]
Updated parent(s):
  • Change Joel's father from: to: Azariah

2021-10-17 10:14:57 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 6:35
    1 Chronicles 6:36

2021-10-17 10:15:13 Webmaster[1]
The following fields were updated:

  • First name from: Joel to: Joel or Shaul
  • Biography from:
  • 1 Chronicles 6:36
    1 Chronicles 6:36 => Joel
    1 Chronicles 6:24 => Shaul

2021-10-17 10:22:12 Webmaster[1]