Between the Lines

(of the Bible)


This began as an exercise to write down some of the things I have come to believe about the Bible. As you will see, many of my statements are prefaced with the words "I believe." What I came to realize is that the Bible is a very complex book, with many treasures that can be discovered if you will only take the time to study it in depth. Very often, the best explanation for certain parts of the Bible can be found in other part of the book itself. For anyone who has ever read the Bible in depth and not simply jumped from one popular Bible story to another, they would most likely have ended up with many questions. In some cases these questions are answered by other parts of the Bible and in other cases, I believe you have to read between the lines.

Please understand that all Bible quotes are generally indented and have the reference as well as version or translation. Paragraphs with the regular margins are my own comments and beliefs and should not be treated with the same weight as the Bible quotes. There are other historical and archaeological facts and figures as well as opinions and speculation of others which are all included with references.

This document is currently a work in progress. As such, you will find the end of this document in an unfinished state, and you may find grammatical or other errors. I would be happy to receive email notifying me of your findings.

Stephen Ing

Full document

Between the lines - 2.1 2021-07-16.pdf

This document is periodically updated as I add to it. If you would like to be notified when it is updated please send email to

This is a family tree style page that has most of the names in the Bible who are related to, married to, or can trace their ancestry back to Adam.

Topics extracted from the main document

A parallel of the four Gospel accounts with comments and questions

A verse by verse study of the book of Revelation

Does the Bible tell us what happens when we die?

Dating the birth and baptism of Jesus

How many days and nights was Jesus in the tomb?

Prophetic time & Daniel's 70 week prophecy

Daniel's dreams about world kingdoms

How old is the world?

Who is Michael the Archangel?

Hands, feet, eyes and ears of God


In general if I do not preface a statement with I believe, I have tried to provide references as much as possible. My primary reference is the Bible, more specifically There are many Bible websites with incredible resources available, but I started using this site long ago, primariy because of the Strong's concordance, and it has continued to meet my needs. My second favorite reference source has been the free (out of copyright) books available on Google books, where I have found many classics, history books, and ancient manuscripts. I have also used Wikipedia as an encyclopedia reference. I have used it somewhat sparingly because from my understanding, anyone can put anything up there at least until the review board catches up with them. Yes, I know everything can be peer reviewed if people take the time to review and correct or comment. (I am open to correction if I'm wrong about how it works)

Random things I've studied or written

The Story of Jesus (a condensation of the Desire of Ages)

The Great Controversy condensation (a condensation of the Great Controversy with lots of references to publicly available sources)

Contemplative Prayer